Hi Everyone! We're excited to be looking at buying a Prius right away... and of all the info on the web, THIS place looked like our best bet of hearing from the people who know best, WHAT WE DON'T KNOW, BUT NEED TO KNOW AS BUYERS. If anyone is game to share their wisdom, here's what we wish we knew before facing those dreaded sales people: 1) does it make sense to pay for a brand new Prius off the sales lot, or buy a used model? 2) some drivers report concern that the Touring model's tires wear out faster than on the Standard model. ??? 3) selling another car with an LED dash feature, we are nervous about the Prius LED. Other Japanese cars with LED have a number of problems, and fixing them is hugely expensive because of the amount of labor to get to the problem area. We keep being told that the "old fashioned" gages are superior for durability. THANKS for any opinions... and thank you all for creating such a GREAT resource for Prius people. We hope to be a part of your group very soon!
Hi! Welcome to Prius chat. Buy new. Resale is still so good on the Prius, that trying to find a used one that isn't almost the price of a new one is hard. Tires. I can't speak for the touring tire, but the tires that come on the standard model are CRAP, and should be changed out asap. Often, you can get some money back on them when they are new. I'd try that. (it isn't just the Prius, LOTS of new cars are sold with really cheap tires. it's a normal thing) The LED dash has been in use for quite a few years now. I have seen very few people having issues with them, and the ones that have, are covered by warranty. That brings me to.... Warranties. The extended warranty question. The dealer WILL try to sell you an extended warranty. Do Not Buy It. you have until the first, 36 month warranty expires to add on Toyota's additional Platinum warranty. Many of the items in the extended warranty may actually be covered by things like your auto insurance, or may be things that you'd rather just save up for. If you DO decide that you want to buy an extended warranty, it is available through Prius Chat for a substantial discount. Whatever you decide, realize that you do NOT have to decide 'on the spot'... you have time. Oh, and buying towards the end of the month tends to be in your favor, as far as getting a better deal.
Welcome This is the first NEW car I bought in over 30 years, otherwise they are $5,000 runners, that last 5 -10 years. I figured I was due for a new one I went new for 2 reasons. 1st. We were looking at 2 year old's and they were only 2K less than a new one. True, the 2 year olds were package 5 or better, but we didn't need all that. 2nd. I can "wrench" pretty good, but this stuff is a different ball game, and I wanted the factory warranty for a few years. We ended up with an "08 package 2 for about 25K O.T.D. and, it had a full warranty.
IF you can find a used one AND save several thousand like I did then you should go that way as they are such reliable cars, you won't miss the new car, bumper to bumper warranty. When I drove mine off the dealer's lot, the mileage limit on the bumper to bumper warranty expired. Besides, the drivetrain will still be under warranty on a used one anyway.
THANK YOU both for the fast reply! Yep, I'm with you re: 1) buy at month's end 2) no extended warranty at the time of sales 3) yeah, new does seem to make sense. We could wait forever for a good used one. The issue reported with tires wasn't the quality that comes with the new car, it had to do with something about the Touring car itself being harder on tires - ?? I'll look it up and get back if I find any solid details. I've never seen a mention like that before. It's odd, I know... Any thoughts on packages 2-5? We hear in the US it is an aftermarket extra to have the feature that the car runs entirely on electric under 35... but you can indeed add it. Re: sound, with iPods etc. we don't really care about multiple CD changers... but I know a moonroof would really be swell. Re: Touring vs. regular, if the steering is less "floaty" with the touring model, that would be great. Hate to pay extra for that, but we plan on keeping this car a long while. We're really getting excited about this purchase! So much happier now that we're looking at this, not a Mazda3!
Hi - Thought I'd chime in on the "new vs. old" debate, since I just bought a used Prius this past weekend. First of all, finding a used Prius at a good price can seem like an impossibility. These cars hold their value unlike most others, and ones that are a few years old are priced at only a few thousand dollars less than a basic new model. That being said, I did buy a used Prius. It "only" took me about two months of searching to find the one I bought. I found a 2002 Prius in absolute mint condition inside and out with low mileage, loaded with navigation, and priced at about half of what a new base model would have cost me. In my case, price was a consideration, so I am taking the risk with a limited warranty (Toyota certified used car). And I still have about two years left on the battery warranty, so I felt confident there, too. Linda
Definitley get the Prius instead of the Mazda3 Right now I'm trying to get rid of my Mazda3 so I can buy the Prius .. I am SO tempted to just go trade it in. I want a Prius right now!!
Linda, GREAT info... we are continuing to look for good used... but as you say, it isn't easy! If we could get a better package upgrade for even the same as a new base package 1 model, that would be a good investment - but with the economy as it is, even though fewer people will be buying cars in crummy economy, the ones that do, will surely be buying an increased percentage of Prius etc. because of rising gas prices. So, we don't really have time on our side... In principle, I hate to pay for "new car smell"... a great pre-owned would be ideal - but "If" is a tiny little word with a big impact for us - it is a Prius this month or bust!
Hi LINDEN! Is your Mazda3 noisy to drive? I was liking the "idea" of that hatchback with the amount of cargo room... but the environmental impact and the savings in dollars too w/fuel prices... the Prius seemed like a better choice - BUT IT FEELS GREAT to hear from another person on this. THANKS.
Here is the oddest question: Can you set the air in the car to have cool fresh air on the face AND HEAT at your feet - the same time? I know it sounds nutty, but it is sooo nice - this feature, which many new cars do not offer.
The 3 is definitley noiser than the Prius, when I test drove the Prius I kept commenting on how quiet it was. I have the 3 Sedan - by my calculations the Prius uses at least 50% less gas. (at least vs a 2.3L automatic) I almost went to Toyota tonite to talk them again about buying the Prius - but I'm gonna wait (at least another day) I'm trying to hold out and wait for someone to buy my car - but I realllllly want to get my Prius (at the very least I want to get it ordered in case I have to wait)
Re: Anything new Linden? Has your 3 sold yet? I'm hoping you get to own a Prius soon... wishing you luck! Best, -Madeleine
We just picked up our 2008 Touring yesterday. Love it! But as for advice on buying one... I'd advise against walking into a dealer and trying to buy one off the lot. My experience with a local dealer was frustrating, as he didn't seem to understand the art of negotiation. Instead, continue your online research regarding pricing. There's a good string on deals that people got here: Toyota Prius Prices Paid and Buying Experience - CarSpace Automotive Forums Then, email your local dealerships directly through their website and ask for their best "out the door" price. This will include all taxes and fees. You can also contact dealerships through the big commercial websites like cars.com, or even craigslist. After you've received a few bids, you can either go with the best one, or see if your local dealer will match them. Again, however, I found that trying to get my local dealer to match the low online bid was incredibly frustrating, so I gave up and went with one of the lowest online bidders. Keep in mind that what other buyers quote as their "out the door" price may be a better deal than what you can get to to tax rates that vary by state and county, and due to demand for the Prius in particular areas. Good luck!
Sadly, no. I also liked the outside air instant on/off feature in my 323. Don't let that be a deal breaker, the Prius air system works well enough.
What a timely thread. I just turned in my Mazda3 lease car and am trying to buy a Prius. I am looking at the bas and touring with package 2. I have gotten a price of ~$23,133 OTD on a base w/Package 2 in Arizona. Looking for other bids on the touring, should be fun!