Greetings folks, After having my 2008 Prius Touring for only about a week, someone has run into me. No injuries resulted, and the only visible damage to my car is a small indentation on the rear bumper from a license plate screw. The other driver's car wasn't damaged at all. He simply slid on the wet snow and ice and into my bumper. Hasn't happened in over four years of driving in Alaska, but here we are. While of course I'll always be bothered by the small 3/8" circle on the bumper, I'm not sure it's worth making a police report or notifying the insurance companies. My question is this: After a slow-speed collision, are there any specific concerns that need to be addressed? Thanks for your assistance, and watch out on the roads this spring. After the collision occurred this morning - less than 100 yards from my garage, I might add - I was almost struck twice more throughout the day. Don't let it happen to you if you can avoid it!
So sorry to hear that. I don't know what you should do about those screw marks/indentations on your bumper. But I think unprotected front license plate screws really should be outlawed. I have used the license plate screw bumpers made by NoBump - Defensive Car Parts That Make Sense But I currently use rubber chair leg tips, which aren't as resilient, but I like their spikey, punk, S&M, Village People look:
Our Prius was bumped by a city bus that had a bike rack mounted on front. There were two small indentions on the lower bumper. We ended up fixing it since the city's insurance covered the repair. The estimates were all around $800. to replace and paint the bumper. One company said they could repair the bumper but it was still about the same price. There was nothing wrong with anything underneath and damage was cosmetic only.
Kremtok, Sorry for your troubles, it sure is a bummer for something like this to happen so soon after you got the car. I can sympathize - I was rear-ended by a small SUV at a stop light with about five months on the car. The rear bumper cover cracked, and the local Toyota body shop replaced that for $685. I had the work done because I thought a crack like that might diminish its ability to protect the car if I needed it again (plus, her insurance paid for it!). I can't speak for the damage you sustained, but maybe you should have the body shop check it out, just to be sure. Good luck! Jim
Sorry about that but I can relate...I think. For some reason people come flying up behind me like they don't see me too. Many times I'm gripping the wheel praying and looking for an escape route. It doesn't happen in my other car. I have come to pump the brakes alot just to maybe alert people that hey..I"M HERE!!! And I'm STOPPED!. So far haven't been rumped yet.But come close. I bet an after market LED brake light thing across maybe the spoiler would be a big seller. I'd put one on my car.
Your tale really scares me since I've only had my car and week and have almost had 3 collisions by inattentive drivers. Sometimes I think there is a bullseye on my Prius. I've only had mine a week as well and have determined I am a much better, more attentive driver as a result of reading all the posts here. It actually freaks me a bit when someone comes close behind me or tries to change lanes with me clearly beside them. Wish you luck with any body repair you need.
Ack, I hate that so much. It can really be jarring, and sometimes painful. Last week I was rear ended while I was waiting for a truck to turn on a side street in Boston, and the lady tried to explain to me that I was at fault because I stopped! She claimed that it's illegal to stop on a road unless there's a red light! (I guess traffic doesn't matter, you just have to squish pedestrians, you can't park anywhere, and stops signs are a big lie) She just kept screaming NO LIGHT NO STOP for the next 15 minutes...