This Sunday, my car-pool partner is going to be trading in his 6 cylinder, 18mpg, Black 2000 Jeep SUV, for a Metalic Grey, '08 Package 6 Prius !! I'm so proud, I feel like I just gave birth (wiping away tear) :lol: It begs the question, how many other folks were kinda instrumental in winning over a convert to a prius, rather than just any ol' high mpg car? Soon he'll be adicted to PC, too ... muahahahahaha
I converted myself. Well, I still have my 3 gas guzzlers (1 that requires premium). I just decided I wanted to limit the amount of $$$ I send over seas on foreign oil by buying the most fuel efficient vehicle I could find and limit the use of my other vehicles. Now I drive my Prius just about everywhere and some of my vehicles aren't used for weeks at a time. I've found the Prius is one of the most entertaining vehicles to drive with all the gadgets so I'm more than happy. In fact I even prefer it on road trips over my larger fullsize SUV particularly when carrying passengers as the Prius has more rear leg room. Mike
Another self-converter here. 3 months ago I probably would have classified myself a a Prius hater, now I'm an owner. For me, it was a simple matter of economics, we were already in the market for a high-miler commuter car and the Prius just began to make more and more sense as the numbers didn't lie. Now, as an owner, I consider the Prius one of the coolest cars I have ever owned, even above BMW's, I'm a convert, what can I say?
My daughter converted me. She bought her Mag Gray in March of 07 and six months later when my Miata bit the dust I bought my 08 Spectra Blue in Sept 07.
Awwh heck, I just noticed I put this post in the newbie forum & meant to put it in the main forum. oh well ...
I was converted by a cousin in California (I live in NY). He has a 2001 and on a visit a couple of years ago, he let me drive it quite a bit. I was impressed. So there 'ya go! Marvin