Hey All! I've been a longtime lurker, posting here and there a few times. :behindsofa: I guess I should finally introduce myself! I have a 2006 Seaside Blue #2, and absolutely love the car! It's the first car I ever had, and it's been great to me!!!! > excellent mileage (~46 mpg because I travel at high warp) > the hatchback design allows me to carry a ton of stuff! about once a week, i need to cart around a sound system. my friends used to try squeeze it into their cars. but it's so effortless in my prius! just fold down the rear seats. (now i end up doing most of the carting around.) > it appeals to my tech nerd side (over several years, amassed a virtual-machine equipped laptop, a LAMP server, and a dual-screen dual-boot workstation with a SSH server). (it amazes my classmates that I can access my computer remotely). :ranger: I would never trade this car for anything else! And I love this site, I learn something new all the time. Thank you Prius experts! Cheers! Andrew PS: I've been wondering how many computers the Prius carts around with it, and what each computer primarily does. Any ideas?
There are a bunch of them. There are 3 separate communications buses - CAN, BEAN, and AVC-LAN so they can all talk to each other. On the CAN bus, there are 6 ECU (electronic control units): ECM - Engine Control Module - controls fuel delivery , spark, valve timing, etc. HV ECU - determines best use of ICE, MG1, MG2 depending upon conditions Battery ECU - monitors SOC, battery temp, sends request to HV ECU for charge or discharge depending on SOC Skid Control ECU - determines how/when to apply brakes, controls ABS, VSC EPS ECU - Electronic Power Steering ECU - determines how much assist, also report turn angle to Skid Control ECU for VSC Gateway ECU - translator between CAN bus and BEAN and AVC-LAN Note: I am simplifying as much as possible for brevity, so description may not be technically correct and I am leaving out some functions. The AVC-LAN includes the MFD (multi-function display) , the NAV ECU, and the Audio System. The BEAN (body electronics area network) includes everything else - AC ECU, SKS system, TPMS, HID leveling ECU, etc. I don't actually know how many ECUs are on the BEAN.
thanks for the welcome, BoisePrius! and thanks for the info, Dogfriend! I was always curious about the electronics in the car.