I park my car inside the warehouse @ work...very safe. Any harm in leaving the fob in the "slot" while the car is parked for the day? Does this have a drain on the battery? TIA, Jeff
non running i assume? It's fine.. unless you do it for a couple weeks at a time... then it will kill the 12v car battery. otherwise... it could rain the fobs battery sooner..
Right on...thx. I guess what I mean is, does it drain the car battery or fob battery to leave it (fob) in the car any more than it would to keep the fob w/ me? And yes, the car is OFF...lol
My understanding is that it will definitely run down the battery in the fob edit: Now that I think about it, that's probably not true if you don't have the SKS.
I remember reading somewhere that after a period of time the broadcast for the fob (or from the fob?) reduce when the fob isn't found to save the battery. In your case if this is in fact how it works this won't happen. If the fob is what broadcasts (I'm not sure how it works) the battery life of this could be reduced.... if it's your prius during the course of a day you're not going to see any measurable decrease in your 12v battery performance. Mike
Would you leave your keys in a non-Prius? Only takes a blink of an eye to steal a car with the keys in it. Any drit bag with a thought (not that most dirt bags think) on how to start a Prius could drive off with your pride and joy. IMO, I wouldn't do it, why tempt a thief?
If I were in your situation, I probably wouldn't do it. While it may be safe where you park, I would be worried about creating a habit and that I might do it in regular parking lots.
This does two bad things: 1. makes it easy to steal the car 2. makes it impossible for you to lock it using the buttons, which means that the car won't beep to warn you if you have left it running, or have left a light on or the hatch or a door ajar, any of which will drain the 12V battery.
Theft reasons aside, when the fob is in the slot, it runs in a passive mode where power is supplied by the Prius. Because of this you don't need to worry about draining the fob battery. As other posters have noted, there will be a small additional drain on the 12V car battery, but that isn't an issue unless you are talking about days or weeks. Tom