I've noticed quite a few people have a GreenHybrid.com average mileage box in their signature. I'm posting my mileage at GreenHybrid but haven't seen any instructions on how to add this info to my signature. Could someone enlighten me? Thanks
Instructions are in the form of a sticky in their Website Questions and Input forum. Here's a link to keep you from having to hunt around for it.
Jim.... Sorry to trouble you but I've been trying to get my Greenhybrid and CleanMPG.com sigs to both post on this PriusChat site. While this Clean... one seems to post well for me here, I am frustrated that I can't get the Greenhybrid one to post here on the Priius site.... Several of you folks seem to have both on your posts here. With various advice, I've copied and pasted my Greenhybrid sig. here but all I get is a blue/boxed question mark. (I note that one site uses .img format and the other uses .html).... Someone recently suggested that the Greenhybrid one is now "blocked" on this site and that some of you old-timers have been grandfathered....??? Fine with me if that's the case... However, even though I'm very new at this 'chat' thng, I'm stubborn and trying to learn how to navigate this site....)Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated? Thanks, Wes (my g/h sig. is:
Check out this thread. It has the answer... http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-m...d-greenhybrid-siggie-thingy-2.html#post557954 Steve
html is blocked on the signature line, as I found out. The only option is to add it in as bbcode. my thanks to BillMerchant for the assistance
Thanks to this thread. My sig had been messed up for a few weeks now. Glad to have it back and working.
It took me quite a while to figure out how to make it linkable. Wish this thread was around while I was struggling. lol
I see some GreenHybrid signature images are just pictures; you can click but nothing happens. Others, like My2008Prius or F8L, you can click the GreenHybrid picture and go to that person's data on GreenHybrid.com. There are two things here, the picture and the link. The picture, generated on the GreenHybrid site, has a URL like Code: http://greenhybrid.com/compare/mileage/car/userID/signature.png and has the name userID/signature.png, where userID is your numeric ID on GreenHybrid.com. The link to your data on GreenHybrid has the URL Code: http://greenhybrid.com/compare/mileage/car/userID.html You can see they are similar. To get your picture to be a link, in BBCode you have to put the picture in a set of [IMG ] [/IMG ] tags, and put that inside a set of [URL ="..."] [/URL ] tags. The URL tag goes to your userID.html and the picture comes from your userID/signature.png. So, to make your signature both display your GreenHybrid MPG and go to your GreenHybrid data, it has to look like Code: [URL ="http://greenhybrid.com/compare/mileage/car/userID.html"] [IMG]http ://greenhybrid.com/compare/mileage/car/userID/signature.png[/IMG] [/URL] Now, the only tricky thing is, I had to put in extra spaces in the code to keep from having PriusChat interpret it and set up a link. When you make your GreenHybrid MPG signature, use your userID number and take out the spaces.
As you add data to your page on GreenHybrid.com, the picture that is generated there will change, so here on PC, we'll see your GH MPG.
Sorry to bump this OLD thread. I'm trying to get my 2010 Prius stats to show in my signature instead of my 2008 that was murdered by a drunk driver last year. Is there any way of doing this other than deleting the 2008's records?