All, Very quick questions for you regarding Sirius Installation in my 2008 Prius Package #2, as my dealer has been of little help. I want to install Sirius using the MFD in my car. the dealer is telling me that I need to go with a different package option in order to use the MFD with Sirius. All is need is the Sirius Connect TOY-SC1 SCC1 Pack right? The one that tssradio sells. Also, can I have Best Buy install this? Thanks for all the help -Matt
There are two threads in the audio/electronics forum that have all the info you need. Check them out. It's quite an easy install, so I don't know why anyone would pay Best Buy to do it.
Thanks, I did read the threads...I think my biggest question was: 1- do you need to have a certain Prius Package to be able to interface the Sirius TOYSC1 SCC1 pack with the MFD? and from what people are saying, the Sirius Pack will interface with all Prius radio's Thanks
I am a few days ahead of you. I have the same car as you have and I just bought the SC-C1 for $43.99 and the TOYSC1 for $49.99. I printed out the detailed instructions passed on to me by the chat members here and plan on doing it myself once the parts come in.lane:
Why don't you buy what you need through Crutchfield, they'll send you the instructions and you can do it yourself. BEST BUY... do you really trust them to do the work? Find a good sound shop if you're going to have anyone install this after market. Oh yeah, don't use Jiffy Lube, either!
thanks for the reply's I did order the kit through TSS-Radio. I contacted the Toyota dealer I bought my Prius from and they are going to hook me up with the shop they use for installations. It was just funny to hear the Toyota Parts people say that I needed to upgrade my car package in order to get Sirius integration with the MFD. Oh well, the kit should be here soon...heck, I don't even have the car yet (picking it up on Saturday) -Matt
I just completed putting a Sirius Stratus receiver (about $35 at Walmart) into my 2008 Prius -package 2. The receiver fits perfectly in the Right Armrest bin taking up about the front 2.5 inches of it. The Sirius audio-out plugs into the audio input jack thats already in the bin, and the power take off is right there too. The Sirius signal is accessed on the factory radio at the AUX setting and the radio volume controls the output. Just hookup the small Sirius antenna and it's all set to go. It couldnt be easier. The best part is that the only wire you have to deal with is the thin Antenna wire that has to be led under mats etc from the back. My wife likes it because everything is out of sight- with no dangling wires or vent mounted radios to mess up the passenger compartment. The only downside is you have to lift the bin lid to change the Sirius channel.
is that all ? did toyota have a price drop or something recently? i thought it was at least 199.00 for the radio + fit kit!
Yep, The SC-C1 was $43.99 via and the Toy-SC1 was $49.99 via Shipping total was $ 7.95. However, I have not received anything yet.
Please keep me posted on whether or not you receive the right products from them. I currently have the messy portable type install similar to the one the guy above has inside his console, but would love to have integrated in the MFD, and pass the portable unit to another car.
You might be waiting a while for dogstar. At one point it was thought that they had taken more orders for the TOYSC1 than they were capable of distributing. Several people posted messages here about how long they had to wait for theirs, which is why a lot of people got theirs through TSS instead. I'm not saying that will happen with your order, but don't be surprised if it takes a while.
I ordered the kit from TSS and an hour later I got a shipping confirmation...very happy with their service. I even had to call them up and ask them a questions...knowledgeable staff for sure...I have heard teh same comments about dogstar -Matt
Here's my previous post about my experience with getting Sirius in my car for under $200, installed and everything! $146.99 w/free shipping through TSS. I took it to Best Buy and they installed it for $52 - WAY worth it to me, I wouldn't even try to attempt installing it myself! I originally asked him to put the antenna on the dash because I didn't really want to see it on the roof, but to my chagrin the signal kept cutting out, so I took it back in to them and they installed it on the roof, right behind my regular antenna. It works wonderfully through my MFD - and sounds great! I couldn't be happier!
The Gen 1 receiver offered by Toyota is the $250 product. The only advantage it offers over the SCC1/TOY-SC1 combo is that the seek buttons go between presets rather than change the channel up or down by 1. On the down side, it's more expensive, truncates titles and artists to 10 characters with no scrolling, and more prone to dropouts under bridges. The other advantage it had was it was available a year before the current package.
ok...posted this in another forum...what if I dont have a "AM/SAT" button on my radio? I have heard that hitting the AM button twice will switch to the Satellite option, has anyone confirmed this? I called the shop that tried to install my radio today and they said they tried hitting the AM button twice and nothing happened... -Matt
I've got the OEM Sirius unit and can confirm that (on my Package 4 without JBL) that hitting the AM button multiple times toggles from AM to Sat1 to Sat2 to Sat3, even without the Sat button on the radio.
You're not going to receive anything from Big mistake ordering from them. Go ahead and place your order with someone else.