Well, I've had my Prius for almost 1 month now! It's my primary comuter back and forth to work. One thing I will say is that it does draw a crowd - even though there are three others in the parking lot at work. Most common remark I hear - is that "there is alot more room in the back than I imagined..." Gas Milage? I'm getting between 52 and 57 mpg depending on how hard I drive it. Most usefull feature: the little MPG bar graph on the right side of the comsumption screen. Just drive it with the idea of keeping it yellow and all the way lit. Biggest helpful comment (made by others) - "Put some air in the tires." Had the same problem with my Jetta - the tires on it are rated at 51 psi max. From the dealership: 30 psi. Rule of thumb from an old hot rodder - look at the max psi and subtract 3 for the cold psi setting. Did that with the Jetta and almost doubled my mpg. On the Prius - instantly jumped from the 40-45 mpg range to the 52-57 mpg range. Enough of my rambling - It's a great little car! Lot's of neat features normally found in much more expensive cars. Mine is an Silver O8 Standard Model with Option Package 5.
new silver '08 package 5 here too in ft lauderdale.... i have never LOVED a car like this one. love love love it. so much fun. getting 46-48 mpg here in hot south florida, but will check the tire pressure tip you mentioned to pull me into the low 50s mpg range.....
I've had my 1st Prius for about a month also. It's great passing the gas station. Yesterday, I did have to put in a "new tank full". There was a Civic Hybrid beside me and a hybrid camary pulled up behind me. It was like a mini Hybrid meet! We all compared notes. eace:
Congrats on the new car and welcome to PC. Get used to not seeing your favourite gas attendant as often. Great mileage right off the start - keep it up! I had the same comments about the roominess.