This morning I was arriving at work and curious to see what my consumption was I pressed the consumption mode on the MFD and BAM!! there it was, my Prius shot me the bird. I wonder what this means...
If it were only so, I live in South Florida, the only "hills" here are those residents that are "over the hill"
Where's the thumb? Actually, for a couple years now, there have been a couple PC members that have been using that scenerio as their avatar. It does (the finger scenerio) happen to folks now & then, that power/mpg works out that way.
"what does it mean?" um even my kids could tell you that. It means * you! or maybe it i for the truck driver or SUV drivers behind you! yeah Thats the ticket! :cheer2:
VERY nice MFD screen!!! Hello Doc Willie.... First I admire your taste in Shuttlecraft, and if my shuttle were not red I would also like the stripes!!! But what really piques my interest is how did you manage to reprogram the MFD screen???? I have been wishing I could convert the entire system to display as "Okudagrams". I am sure you know what that is, but if not, the engineering displays on Starfleet craft. LCARS would be main access, "Library Control Access Retrieval System" All the screens could be converted, but the trick is in the access to the software for a little Starfleet influence. You seem to know the way! It would be quite the trick to come up with that one!!! Any thoughts, lets hear them. Warp Speed de Pat KK6PD
The Shuttlecraft Ops screen is made by creating a CD-R with MP3 files of the various sounds. When you access the file list on the Audio Screen, the functions show up.
Darn here I thought you cracked the code!!! Looked good!! I still think Okudagrams are the way to go..... Do love the Zhang Heng! Later Pat KK6PD
It means you need to try harder. The Prius gets pissed when you can't manage over 50 mpg, particularly at those kinds of temps and on flat terrain Just kidding BTW, in case there was any doubt Rob