A week after getting the new Prius, my daughter swung her backpack against the dash and resulted in a few whitish lines in the textured black plastic glove box. After I wiped it with a soft cloth, it made it worse. Any products that would restore the finish to the black textured plastic? I still like my daughter though. Thanks.
Maybe an ordinary, fine point, black Sharpie would work well. Note that you might have to smooth out/blend in the ink with your fingers or paper towel or hankie. I use Sharpies or Prismacolor markers for lots of things, most notably, as touch up paint for my car and as a dye on thread bare cuffs of coats, suits, shirts and pants. I haven't tried them yet but I know that auto supplies stores sell sprays supposedly formulated for the faded black trim of cars.
Thanks, maybe I'll try some black shoe polish and then the sharpie -- any opinions about that? It seems the dash material has a very weak coat of paint on the plastic.
I had some scratches on my dash too, and had thought a black sharpie would work. While the white can't be seen now, the sharpie does show a dark purple tone/tint to it. I'm thinking that I should use the black shoe polish on the sharpie to cover over the purple tint. Let us know how the black shoe polish works (and the brand ie Kiwi, etc).
I would try a micro-fiber cloth with a mild cleaner like windex. The backpack may have just left some marks that can wiped off easily. A 'soft cloth' will leave lint in textured surface of the plastic. A micro-fiber cloth will not. Marvin
There was a young Prius who scratch his dash Why oh why did he scratch his dash, I guess he'll crash. He used a Sharpie to cover the scratch It's purple, no match yes that's a fact. I guess he'll crash He used shoe polish to cover the Sharpie Would it cover the sharpie or just malarky Why oh Why did he scratch that dash I guess he'll cash.
Suppose you have a passenger wearing a white silk blouse who brushes against the shoe polish. That person will not be happy.
All seriousness aside, I would try some 303 Aero Space Protectant spay (vinal protectant that doesn't yellow like armorall. If that does not produce satisfaction, my next step would be a seach for custom color matched vinyl dye from auto paint store.
Try some 303 Protectant, you can get a free sample if you pay shipping. I use it on all the plastic, inside and out.
Thanks for that link Bill, I didn't know about some of the other 303 products like washer fluid in tablet form, the windshield wiper conditioner, and the sample program. I wonder if the CD conditioner might work well on shallow scratches on interior auto finishes to fill them? I only see 6 products, do you have any information on the other 297 products? Yes, it is quite dull here in Washington, which is illustrated by the fact that I have edited my song to add a rhime for Sharpie that I accidently left out. But whenever things get too dull, I can be in Oregon in less than 15 minutes, and when in Oregon, I can do as the Oregonians do. There was a young Prius who scratch his dash Why oh why did he scratch his dash, I guess he'll crash. He used a Sharpie to cover the scratch It's purple, no match yes that's a fact. I guess he'll crash He used shoe polish to cover the Sharpie Would it cover the sharpie or just malarky Why oh Why did he scratch that dash I guess he'll cash.
I appreciate the humor, it really is first rate :first: ( thanks, NoMoShocks) it's helps us all keep little things like dash scratches little. Haven't tried the polish over the black sharpie yet but may do so this week-end.
I am the OP and I finally got around to trying the black shoe polish on the 2008 black textured dash. I used a typical black flat can of Kiwi shoe polish wax and dabbed on just a bit with a clean cloth and then feathered it around a wider area. So far, it looks really good -- it blends right in -- but I can't say how long it will last. I think it's better than a Sharpie because you can spread this as thin or thick as you like. And it doesn't seem to come off on a white cloth after you rub it in. If anyone else tries it, let me know if you agree. I apologize for neglecting to write any songs about it.