In the boards opinion which color of Prius maintains the most value? I like Spectra Blue or Magnetic Gray, but they may be fads. Just curious.
Silver is the safe colour. White is safe in the southern states. To be honest, just get the colour you're most satisfied with and one that strikes a chord. Both Spectra Blue Mica and Magnetic Grey are striking colours.
Not Spectra Mica - I mean the Dark Blue one. I like it now, but affraid it will be hated 2 years from now.
Get the color that you like the most. What do you care what anyone else thinks about the color of your car, unless you can convince them to make the payments and in that case whatever they like is good enough!!!
I have gone on a few times to check on values of used cars, and have yet to see one which shows that one color is worth more or less than another. Perhaps that could be the case with some old vintage cars where a certain color was particularly desireable or rare, but I doubt it is going to be an issue with used Prii over the next 20 years or so.
My bad - Just learned that a few seconds ago . I really like it especially with tint, just worry it is trendy. Had some friends tell me it would go out of fashion soon.
You don't need to get new friends, and your question/their comments are legit if you're concerned about maintaining maximum resale value and picking a color that you can live with for a long time. Neither of those is guaranteed based on the color of the car, of course, but it doesn't hurt to consider all factors when you're buying something as expensive as a car. IMO, silver, gray, black, and white are always safe colors, because they never seem to go out of style. I know that your friends named the Magnetic Gray as a problem color because it is very popular right now, but gray is conservative, and it has been around for a long, long time. (Of course, I'm partial to that color, since I picked it.) Gold is probably also safe, because it is low-key and suits the car well. I keep expecting gold to go out of style for cars, but it seems to be hanging in there. I think you may have a "trendy" problem with either of the blues and the green, and reds change shades a lot too. Having said that, I think they are all good colors, and they have all proven very popular (check out the thread on everyone's color choice), and you just need to decide which one you like best and think you'll still like a few years from now. Hope that helps.
I think the red is the best color! second choice is all the others! Wife got Seaside Pearl light blue. It looks like a girl color to me. She almost got the Silver pine mica. nice green tint to it. All of my cars have been red or maroon. except for my first 4 cars that were all white! But Im an Aries kind of a guy and red is my color!:drama:
None of the current Prius colors are offensive to me. There are many cars that make me gag with Mustard color or the likes. I know to each his own, but they are hideous. It makes sense on the blues vs. the grays. I really like the dark blue right now, and the dark gray. I feel, but am usually wrong, the dark gray is very safe. I think long term the dark blue is relatively safe for maximum resale. As long as the colors are acceptible then they are both going to last.
I tend to see a ton of grey, silver, and white Prii in the Norcal Bay Area. In the 2004-2006 era I see mostly the light colors like seaside pearl or the green colors. Soooo I imagine you will find more grey, silver, and white Prii for sale in the coming years so if you want yours to stand out get blue or red. Black is going to look like h3!! after a few years so skip that color. LOL Then again..... there is a reason why you see certain colors on the road more often. It's popular.
I finally saw a Magnetic Grey Prius, yesterday. It was freshly washed and waxed. It looked sexy! However, Tideland Pearl is still the win
When I first decided to get a Prius I looked for a used one. I would have bought one in any color except white (just my preference). I ended up buying new as there weren't many used Prii around here that were cheaper enough from a new car to make a difference, so I got to pick my color (went with Barcelona red, Mag grey was my 2nd choice). That said, I don't think any of the Prius colors are weird enough to have any impact on resale, they are all pretty safe colors. I see a lot of silver, red and tideland pearl around here. A few black, white and tan, and a couple of pine mica. I have never seen a Spectra blue but they are hard to find here at the dealerships in the Northeast.
If you're thinking of resale value, by the time you sell yours, gas will cost so much that a used Prius buyer won't care what color it is. Buy the one you like, and love the one you're with!
I have a friend who sells used cars and he basically echoes most of what is being said. Neutral colors, such as the silvers and whites, usually are best for resale. With the other colors most people either like or dislike them. Rick #4 2006 (Silver!)
Thanks everyone. I went with the Magnetic gray. I like my current driftwood, but wanted to try something different this go around.