I was on the interstate, which in Orlando is just another busy street these days, and as I was doing the 65-55 dance thing to increase mpg I noticed a big Hummer fall in behind me. He was at a respectful distance also and not crowding me which was odd. As I sped up to 65 he did too. As I did my dance and the speed fell he stayed the same distance from me even though he had many chances to move over and pass. For over 10 miles he was with me! Either he was enchanted with the Prius; or he was maybe trying to learn better mpg you think???
I live in Clearwater and run over to Orlando about once a month to visit family and I think you win worst traffic in the State. You better be headin' out of town by 3:30 cause if you get on 1-4 after that your hosed. Spring Break must be oh especially wonderful. Brutal.
Lucky for me Ed I go to work at 2pm and go home at 1130pm! My wife never see's the I-4 traffic as she works less than 8 miles from home. Usually I am being pushed along by Semi trucks that want to do 80 and soccer moms who are passive aggressive!
Yo I drive an old Ford, not a hummer! But I have always tried to go easy on the gas/brake pedal. Still a few gentleman around I guess. Cheers Warwick
Driving at 4am on side streets (to hypermile) to work, I've been pulled over 2X. So it's been the cops following. Gets you nervous when they tuck in behind you. The cops thought I must be drunk, driving "that slow" (35-40mph) when the streets are that clear.
I agree, not everyone driving a big-arse truck/SUV is an arse.... Also, enjoying a pure driving experience doesn't always need to push people in front of you aside. Keeping good distance is the most respectable thing to do.
I agree. It is just so rare in my experience on I-4. Even in my previous Expedition SUV at 75mph I was buffeted and pushed around by those who thought they were on the autobahn! We all used to speed along keeping a wary eye out for the state troopers and local police who were laying in wait like lions choosing who to attack for lunch. The thing about my Prius is that I dont need to be concerned about where those lions wait. My driving has changed a lot in just the one month I have driven a Prius; I am calmer after arriving to work and can see the money I am not putting in the gas tank still in the bank account!
I have had some cars seem to figure out what I'm doing and they seem to fall in behind me. Situations like coasting to stop lights: once they see that you coast up and then go through without stopping, they get intrigued. Congested traffic: when they realize that the longer following distance allows you to coast up to the car that stopped but never even tap your brakes as that car starts up again and jumps ahead, they figure it out. I had a gentleman telling me that he remembered back in the 1970s when all sorts of people were coasting and anticipating and doing the things we try to do. One owner at a time. . .
I see tons of drivers who are insecure or rather not pass. These would tollerate significant speed swings before attempting to pass. As long as they keep their distance, they are no problem. But often I see something that can be dangerous. What I believe are relatively inexperienced drivers, and no offence but pretty much 100% women, who tailgate at crazy shotr distances in the right (slow) lane. There are ample opportunities to pass but they do not take them. On occasion, they do pass or the car infront moves away and they do speed-up but almost immediately start to tailgate the next car infront. I'm pretty sure they do not realize what they are doing and I've seen them many times, not only behind me but behind others as well. The combination of short tailgating distance and the obvious inability to assess traffic conditions in order to pass combine into a quite dangerous mix