Another kitty! ... Homemade salsa picante is best, but then, homemade everything is best ... Oh, my favorite Prius color is blue. The red is a beautiful red, if you like red. But it's not my color in cars.
Never seen the blue one 'live'. Only black and the silvery colour. Oh and the red, but that was in a rather dark show room.
I'm actually still working on getting mine - due to financial considerations, a new car isn't the first thing on the list right now. Here's my current beauty, at her not-so-beautifulist time (yes, that's off the side of a mountain): [Broken External Image]: My Prius will be a Tideland, though!
WOW!! I hope you don't mind that I share this picture with some guys here at work. And if you do, then forget I said anything.
Danny, Your car looks to be doing much better than a Hummer H2 would do in that situation. The Hummer would have rolled over that rock and have been totaled. Be proud of what your little car can do!
Good point. The Hummer H2 would have smashed the rocks with its momentum and kept rolling to its demise. An equally beautiful scenario . . . except, the next car that rolls down that mountain would also be destroyed. {added} Ooh wait! Come to think about it, I WAS right the first time. The act of the Hummer H2 rolling over that rock would have been what totaled it, not the fate that awaited at the bottom of the mountain!
I'll post the whole story over in the Pancake House so that this thread doesn't get side-tracked anymore than it has already
One of my coworkers has a Tideland; the color is only green in certain light, otherwise it's a dusty grey color. Interesting and dignified, like a business suit. Looks good with the beige interior. So does the Salsa. The Salsa looks like about the color of a glass of Merlot held up to a bright light. Somewhat closer to cranberry than actual red. It's quite stunning in it's own right, but isn't "red" like a tomato. I have the beige interior which hasn't been much of a hassle to keep clean and to me living in the gray Northwest, is a bit cheerier than the rainy gray interior. De gustibus. Bob