... and the "rebuttals" here: Message boards How can these people be so ill-informed? where does one start with such utter lack of knowledge (but plenty of opinion/hype)? It's a wonder anything good for our planet even makes it mainstream... I really thought the ignorance out there was fading.
Well, I don't work in marketing anymore but since I did study it in college and grad school and work in advertising for a while, I would go Cool Hand Luke here and say what we have here is failure to communicate. If Toyota had had any difficulty selling hybrids when they first introduced them, they might have invested in a marketing communications plan using advertising and PR to address some of these myths. But with a waiting list for the cars, they probably figured it wasn't necessary. So the myths flourished. And with gas prices going up, Toyota (and other makers of hybrids) probably will not see the need anytime soon to spend the money on a campaign like that. Any other interested party could take on the cause if they had the inclination and the money. Or maybe all it would take is the creativity to come up with a couple of viral videos on youtube.
PatSparks, I think you did admirably. I also wonder how you kept from an angry tirade! I have seen ignorance for almost all of my life. I came back from Nam and ignorant people spit and cursed me like *I* was the cause of war and not just an airman doing his duty. I think ignorance is common, more common than 'common sense' for sure! Their is a cure for ignorance but you have to want the cure! For most folks that means we are just --:deadhorse: