Me either but I've been reading up on Homeobox genes and epigenetics and find it incredible how plastic our genetic expression can really be. Granted I'm not alluding to the child growing a longer tail or antennae on it's head but still, chemicals in the wrong concentrations could have unexpected results. lol
That's a lot like walking up to someone on the street and saying "You're an idiot. Relax, pal, I'm just kidding." An insult is an insult whether you think you're kidding or not. As for the kid's emotional development, that will depend entirely on the parenting skills of the parents. Not on whether the father figure or the mother figure actually gave birth to the kid. Lots of people have lousy parenting skills and raise emotionally damaged kids. Lots of well-adjusted kids have come out of "unconventional" families.
A lesbian couple having a child through artificial insemination and one of the couple is pretending to be a man. What could be more normal than that?
So it's the "just kidding" part you have an issue with? Now I would of thought the women here are very capable of defending themselves if they thought I was serious.
Agree totally. I guess the media has run out of bad stuff happening in Iraq - hillary has not told any new lies - Obama's Minister is keeping his mouth shut... Here is one for the record books. i had a patient who was born a male who underwent a sex change operation to become a female and following the operation married a woman -- a closet lesbian - cool.
I did not understand why he had the only organs that could give him "sexual pleasure" removed for artificial ones that are incapable of giving him "sexual pleasure" to have "sex" with the same sex as before the removal of prior mentioned original equipment. It makes my brain hurt to this day.
The main problem here is the media labelling him as a man. Although, he is recognizing himself as a man. I think it just should be recognized as a woman with previous testosterone treatments getting pregnant. I will never understand what his thought processes are converting from a woman to a man (usually because they feel like being born in to the wrong gender), but then getting pregnant (a very female thing to do) is negating that. So I am confused there. But, it's ok if they want to have a child themselves. The problems are medical implications with unnatural amounts of male hormones in his body (although galaxee points out that the half life is very short - so may be not) and the emotional confusions the child may go through being called a freak. Also, I am assuming the man cannot breast feed because his mammary glands are removed, so the child will not have the natural right to have his/her mother's milk suscepting it to many diseases in the future. I don't think it is disgusting or wrong. It's just different from the norm. I also don't think they did it to get media attention.
This seems pretty simple to me: Woman rejects female-ness and then can't handle the consequences of that decision. It's hypocritical. The child won't get its mother's milk as Michgal pointed out, a potentially harmful consequence of a string of poor decisions. Sorry to be graphic here, but I also wonder what kind of damage the process of childbirth would do to the surgically altered nether-regions. Which makes me think: planned C-section. That's something I don't much like when it falls outside of medical necessity. And since the presumed C-section would happen as a result of a voluntary cosmetic surgery, followed by (presumably) artificial insemination, I don't see it as medically necessary, and hence I think it's another irresponsible decision. I wonder if insurance still foots the bill. To me it just begs the question: why not "be a man" and make a hard choice like adopting a kid who needs a good home?
From what I read/remembered, he hasn't altered any reproductive organs, so it will be a 'normal' birth. I think the only cosmetic procedure was breast removal.
OK, let's go somewhere else...Just HOW drunk would one have to be to hit that? I'll bet the guy keeps the bragging rights to himself too! Yeccht..:yuck:
If you want to talk politics, take yo arse to the political forum. You know you like it - gettin' your daily spankin' from the libs. :whip:Go along back there now. We'll give you what you want, naughty neocon. :eyebrows:
Anyone want to argue my point about this girl being feisty now?? Give it to him girl! Haha poor David.