People planning on attending Hybridfest should consider making hotel reservations ASAP. Made ours yesterday and couldn't get our first choice. The Dali Lama will be in Madison at the same time and all hotels are filling up. Good luck. Rotorhead
Yes, I heard that the Dali Llama and his retinue had booked up the hotel used last year & Hybridfest was booted out. Perhaps His Holiness (or how DO you refer to him properly??) will becoming to Hybridfest, too? - or maybe it's the fried cheese curds at the Dane County Fair that he's coming for. . . .:hungry:
No room at the Clarion I know I should have reserved one earilier. I did get a room at the Best Western thats accross the lake.
I just called them and managed to get a room with 2 queen beds for Thurs. night July 18th through Sun. night July 20th but there is no special rate for Hybridfest he said. Whether it was because I had AAA I don't know, or maybe they had a cancellation. I think people should definitely keep calling, since there's bound to be some cancellations.
WHOA THERE. The hotel Eric has reserved for us IS NOT THE SAME AS LAST YEAR! Exactly because the Llama is in town. He is working to update the website right now.
There is only one L in the Dalai Lama's second name. Or as Ogden Nash put it: A one-L lama, he's a priest. A two-L llama is a beast. But I will bet a silk pajama, There isn't any three-L lllama.* *The author's attention has been called to a type of conflagration known as a three-alarmer. Pooh.
Wow, I'd been holding off waiting for registration info to appear on their website (By the way, it's in Madison, WI July 19-20, 2008). Looks like its time to call the Hotel L'Brother! :wave: Jim
HybridFest, Madison WI Driving Directions / Map Darn, if it wasn't so far I would attend. Sixteen hours from Montreal. Is there an East Coast equivalent? Such an event at MIT (Mass) would be cool, I can get there in a less than 8 hours. (Wishful thinking)
Tony is right, the Clarion WILL NOT be the official hotel this year. I will be announcing the name and location new hotel, and all the other Hybridfest 2008 info very shortly to anyone on the Hybridfest mailing list. (sign up for the mailing list at the Hybridfest web site) If you were a member last year, you are automatically on the list, unless your email has changed. I'll give you guys a teaser about the new hotel .... I want to make it clear that it is not the Dali Lama's fault that we are moving the hotel. (Although they have booked up all the rooms at the Clarion.) You see, last year many people asked us to find a hotel with lower rates than the Clarion... and now we have. The rates at new "Official Hotel" will be $72 and $77 depending on the room you choose. Even though we have the entire hotel reserved I'm certain we will fill it up entirely with Hybridfest people. So once it is announced be ready to make your reservations. Just a little longer.... Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for the info. If it is that far away (three months), then I don't have to think about whether I'm going right now. I'm a last-minute-only kind of person, so we'll see in July. At least I won't need a hotel!
Is the actual event still going to be at the Alliance? Think I'll hang on to the reservation until another one is confirmed just in case.
The public portion of Hybridfest will still be at the Alliant Energy Center. But since the Clarion is not the official hotel, the walkway between the hotel and the AEC will not be accessible. Plus you may not see many Hybridfest people there. Not a huge deal necessarily, but just wanted you to know. We have removed the Clarion reference on the "Where to Stay" page.
AltWheels is the closest thing going, I think. In Boston. In late September. The Green Grand Prix is in Watkins Glen, NY the weekend of May 3.