Hi All; Just wanted to say hi. Just got my 2008 Prius Level 7 yesterday. Sure am loving this car. Still alot to learn about it though!!! The forums are very informative and helpful for us new Prius owners. Thanks
Steve39 from Ra'anana, Israel. I started driving my silver Prius three weeks ago, moving from 48 MPG to 50 on my second tank. With prices for gas higher here, the Prius is starting to catch on (last night mine joined two others in a garage in our community, about 12 miles north of Tel Aviv). I look forward to participating in Priuschat and driving my great car. I have taken one long drive on a highway with very steep hills and whatever the reviews said about a shortfall in power and acceleration (at least the type that I practice) were wrong.
Hi steve39, welcome to PriusChat to you too! :welcome: Prius are not underpowered. Some people hear the ICE running in its upper power band and think the engine is "racing" so take their foot off the go pedal. The Prius is operating at high ICE efficiency, just keep your foot steady and zoom up the hills (though hills are hard on fuel efficiency).