Just got back from picking up my 2008 Prius.My wife named it SPEC I dont really like the name but its his and I have to deal with it...I got 43.2mpg on the way home it had 2 miles on it when I picked it up and now has 97 miles on it I tried really hard all the way home to keep mpg up as high as I could..It was about 38 degrees when I picked it up and got up to about 50 when I got home.. I stopped as soon as I left dealer and put front tires to 42psi and rear tires to 40psi.. I like it but its alot different than my 4x4 i got to turn that seat belt beeep off and the reverse beep off!!!! I am getting windows tinted next week..Hope to load my pics later..
Congrats - very nice wheels! LOL on the speed you pumped up the tires. My advice until you get used to it is that you just drive it. Enjoy, Gabe
" SPEC "? [The spaces inside the quotes bug me, but without them the stupid forum software reduces the capital letters to smalls.]
I will say being a newbie that the pulse and glide sounded complicated but it was really easy to do but I did find myself going slower and slower when doing it...
SPEC??? why spec? anyways, i had a 06 caddy STS, dark grey interior and named it DARTH VADER....................... then, as i drove the car home, my wife asked me, who is on the other spectrum of darth? i said hmmmmmm, how about YODA? then, the name stuck......so....... congrats on spec! mine is yoda!:flame:ound:
Congrats! I watched a commercial once that had a rental car in it that was called a SPEC! Is this were the name came from?
I thought maybe she considered it small and thus meant SPECK. They really aren't all that small, but in relative terms..... Anyway, congrats on the new #2, and welcome to the forum. I was quick to pump up my tires to 42/40 shortly after buying it, I think it was the next day as well. Just yesterday I pumped them to 45/43, but haven't driven it yet and will check that deal out today to see if it makes any difference to my mileage and/or handling.
Nice car there Sandman, one of them Prius cars isn't it? Where do you plug it in? Just getting in before everyone else.
Nice choice of color! I came up with the name Bullet, but my car didn't like that name, so I'm still thinking. (and in case you're asking yourself "the car didn't like that name?"- how does SHE know?) One morning as I was getting in to the car, I said my usual "good morning" and then just kind of asked aloud if the name was okay. I pushed the start button in the usual way and it didn't start - I took that as a "no". I know that I probably just didn't time the foot/finger thing correctly, but still, I'm not taking any chances. Welcome! Aren't these cars just so much fun???
I am alive today because i was wearing my seat belt in my 1954 Plymouth when it ended up in on it's side (driver's side down) in a ditch with the driver's door open (they didn't have very good latches back then) in 1956. Seat belts were aftermarket items then and i had them in my car. Moral to the story: WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT and you won't be bothered by the beep.
I wont get into a wear or not wear your selt belt discussion..I turned the beep off so I dont hear the beep anymore you wear your seat belt you dont hear it ...Problem solved for both of us..
By the way, I do have my reverse beep turned off. Have a nice day and enjoy your new car. I love mine.