We got our 08 seaside package #3 a week ago and it has been great so far. I traded in my 07 rav4 v6 for it . The rav4 was not the problem it was my wifes explorer which is getting 13 mpg city but because the ford is paid off the rav4 had to go oh well love the explorer better anyway. I have a 1994 chevy cavalier which gets in the low 30s mpg so now the ford just sits for only needed trips. Sorry to ramble Ps already disabled the backup beep thanks to this site.
Greetings from another Long Islander (Seaside Pearl, package #5). I've had mine since December and just love the car. Today, I filled up and had my first "over 50mpg" fill-up. I hit 51.1mpg. I'm really looking forward to warmer weather and even better mpg's.