I saw this video of a man who got pregnant, and at first I was pretty blown away, thinking this: ...but then I kept watching and discovered it was really one of those things where it was a "man" who was born a woman, had a few surgeries and some testosterone treatments. I do not know, wouldn't the fact that you have lady parts and are pregnant simply reinforce the fact that you're really a woman? What do you think?
I completely agree. It's ludicrous. If she really wanted to become a man, that's all well and good and "her" choice, but why have children? Doesn't that defeat and negate her whole process of becoming a man? I have total disrespect for the OB doctor who played a role in this charade. I pity the poor child, for his/her selfish parents' pathetic need for 15 minutes of fame may cause the kid a lifetime of angst and confusion.
Why does the media keep calling her a man? She’s not a man. She’s a woman complete with ovaries and uterus, and who also got cosmetic mastectomies and testosterone injections to grow facial hair. It’s just a lesbian relationship with one partner getting artificially inseminated.
Another thing that interested me about it was that the news stations kept showing pictures of "her" topless. She just looks like she has man pecs and a (hairy) prego belly now, but it was weird to think that they're essentially showing a topless woman on TV.
If this is the same couple that was on Oprah wasn't it the fact that her mate could not get pregnant so she decided to carry the baby? Disgusting? I don't see why. Is it because it is an alien thought to you or goes against your particular flavor of religion?
I was afraid what I would find if I opened this thread. Thank God this forum isn't filled with a bunch of bleeding heart liberals. Once a woman, always a woman and this pregnancy thing only serves to drive that point home. My wife and I were thinking how stupid it will be if this goes into the record books as a "man" being pregnant.
I don't see what all the fuss is about. A woman got a partial sex change. She got the cosmetic appearance of a man but kept the sex organs of a woman. The only "problem" here is that the usual labels of "man" and "woman" don't apply. Labels often break down if examined closely. If someone is pro-war but against the death penalty is he "liberal" or "conservative"? It's just that the "male" and "female" labels are usually pretty clear. And this person has blurred the labels. Lots of people trapped in the religious prejudices about sex and gender will be offended by sex change procedures, and the ambiguity of a partial sex change will offend them even more. I don't even consider this to be newsworthy except as sensationalism.
I think what interests me about the story is the propensity for people to claim they're something they're really not. In the story, you have a transgender woman saying she's a man who's pregnant and, well, that's not accurate. She's a woman who had a few surgeries and took some male hormones, who then got pregnant. It's also interesting to me to see others follow along with the idea, because it's almost as if political correctness supersedes biological fact.
i just have to wonder. they say s/he stopped testosterone treatments 2 mo in advance, and blood levels are normal at this point. but i wonder about the long term consequences of that treatment and whether this affects the developing offspring...
I guess no family's "perfect." As long as the child is loved and well-cared for, maybe it has a hope. I just hope that they don't try to turn this into another reality show.
I think we're all missing an angle here... Can you possibly imagine the therapy this child will have to go through? Sorry, but this kid will need work! The mother (to use the term loosely) has made her choice, how do you expect that the child is going to take to the situation? Poor kid...!
What the hell does that have to do with anything? Thanks for injecting idiotic politics into it from YOUR angle, though!
I'm not real sure of that. Kids are very adaptable. Now if you mean the kid will grow up with a different viewpoint from our usually politically and religiously charged masses and equate that to being "wrong" and requiring work to correct then you could be right. I would argue that harboring different viewpoints from the aforementioned rigid ideologies is a good thing. If the child is cared for, loved, and educated then she/he could turn out to be like any other member of our society regardless of the gender of his/her parents.
i'm guessing the kid will grow up with a mother figure and a father figure. sounds fine to me. someday they'll probably talk about the buzz they created, but hopefully not until the kid is old enough to grasp such concepts... there are far worse things families can do to their children.
I completely agree. You did bring up a valid point about residual chemicals having an effect on embryonic development though.
not so much the hormones themselves- hormones have a VERY short half life. it's the long term effects of those other-sex hormones on other organs of the body. biochemically, we adapt rather quickly to changes like that. i just wonder what such a high testosterone concentration does to the support systems a woman has in place for a developing fetus and whether they're lasting. i don't know enough about endocrinology to have any kind of idea. maybe it's nothing.