I was in Chicago weekend before last and my daughter and I were coming back from Ikea - wahoo - fit a whole bunch of stuff in that wonderful car! Anyway, on the way there, meant to stop and get gas because it was at 2 pips. Got sidetracked and didn't stop until the way back - when it got down to one. It didn't get to the point of flashing, but I was almost in a panic. No point in doing that again.
At 2... BUT I live in New York where gas is expensive. I get to New Jersey about once a month. Gas is about 30 cents per gallon cheaper.:car: I usually get down to 2 just about the time I get to New Jersey. :usa2:
This would only be true for floating debris. AFAIK fuel pickups are always at the bottom so if there were any sediment it would settle down there every night no matter how full or empty a tank is. Jeff (a die hard flashing pip re-fueler so opinion is biased
Well, yes, but I rarely have to pump my own petrol... DH has this chivalry thing where he feels that it is his DUTY to: Fill the cars' gas tanks Change the oil Take out the trash Open doors for me (and for any other woman that will let him)... building and car Carry in the groceries What's a wife to do? :noidea:
Two pips and then fill up? I am SHOCKED, SHOCKED I say at the conservativeness of the Priuschatters. Not....... I am a wild and crazy flashing pipper. arty:
2 pips. I had a flashing pip once because I wanted to experience it but the conditions had to be right. My commute is sometimes on the HOV and sometimes on the stop-and-go main line. You can get trapped in the HOV because there are only so many exits and concrete barriers are on both sides (I-95 in Northern VA). If you get stuck in the HOV because of an accident and the last pip is flashing there isn't anything you can do. Very similar thing with the main line so 2 pips is my usual fill-up time.
Depends on the diesel, I used to prime my 1977 Mercedes 300D and my brother's Rabbit Diesel in a few minutes, easily done with a hand wrench and a buddy to turn the starter key. My brother on the other hand barely knew how to open the hood and would have taken it to a mechanic if it weren't for me.
Based on the photo named "gas-bladder-exposed-dsc00391.jpg" in the following post: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-technical-discussion/30593-gas-bladder-exposed.html Described as "bottom of the bladder, where the fuel line comes out and goes to the sending unit/everything box" It is clear that the fuel is drawn in from the very bottom center of the fuel bladder. Additionally the piping that runs from the bladder to the sending unit/everything box seems to run lower than both the bladder and the everything box. I would think this would cause it to act a bit like a "trap" in that floating debris wouldn't make it to the everything because it would float on the bladder side of the tube and therefore be unable to traverse the tube to get to the everything box. As such, any debris that sinks will end up in the tube that runs to the everything box regardless of the level of fuel in the tank, and it is unlikely that floating debris will make it into the tube regardless of the level of fuel in the tank. There are a variety of good reasons to keep fuel in your tank, but keeping sediment out of the filter really isn't one of them. On the other hand, if believeing that it protects the filter from sediment convinces you to add fuel regularly, then there is no harm in beleiving that.
Rae, I like your footnote about not drinking cow's milk. I've always thought it odd that humans are the only animals on the planet who do not wean their young off milk. Perhaps all the other creatures know something we don't.
I'm a "glass is half empty" sort of person, so I always fill when the tank is 4-5 pips. That way I can pick and chose where and when to fill In major urban areas, issues like crime are becoming very serious. Especially here in Winnipeg, our rate of car theft, murder, assault, are usually in the Top Three. I like to pick and chose a time and place to safely refuel. Once Mr Blinky turns on and you NEED gas, you may find yourself in a dark station with gang members hovering nearby Oh, for those who suggest I should just defend myself, since I'm a big husky guy. The "justice" system here in Canada does *not* favor big husky guys. The "justice" system - especially the Young Criminal Justice Act - favors gun toting 14 year olds, boy raping pedophiles, animal abusing freaks (Vicks would *never* have been charged with anything here in Canada), and fraudsters in general I have always found it ironic that in this country, it's a far more serious offense to poach a moose than it is to kill a human being.