Deal killing drivers seat

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by web1b, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. web1b

    web1b Active Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    The Prius is the best car for me on paper because I want a reliable car with very good gas mileage, plenty of cargo room and a strong A/C that can handle cooling in 110 degree weather.

    However, after renting one for a couple days, I cannot get over how uncomfortable the non-adjusting drivers seat is. This is too big of a con because I would have to live with it every day for years.

    I've read threads about various fixes:

    Replace seat with better seat such as Recaro (way too expensive and unsafe because of losing side airbags)

    Add washers to tilt front of seat (is this adequate to make any real difference and will it be a safety hazard in a crash? Maybe seat will break loose in a severe collision)?

    Various Orbus Forme cushions. (how will I know which, if any, will help without trial and error after buying several different ones? Maybe none will work well enough)

    The center armrest is too hard also, but I think it would be pretty easy to get it reupholstered with additional padding. However, the drivers seat is much more of a problem.

    Of the solutions, the Orbus Forme cushions seem like the most simple fix if it were to work. Anyone have specific recommendations?

    Is the Prius going to be replaced with a new model with different seats later this year? Maybe I should just wait a few more months if a replacement is around the corner.
  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    The seats are uncomfortable...but not bad enough to be a deal breaker for me.

    I used a 'space foam' cushion which helped add thigh support and helped a lot, but not perfect.

    There should be a new Prius out soon if you can wait. Otherwise take a look at the Camry Hybrid and Civic Hybrid.

    [email protected] Kimbermatic

    Jan 9, 2008
    Simsbury, CT
    2008 Prius
    I can understand your frustration with the seat. To me it is the achilles heal of the Prius. You don't mention which part of the seat that bothers you. For me is was lower back support and not having the ability to slide the seat back just a couple of more inches.

    I purchased a lumbar support and it solved one issue, but sliding back the seat is something I am still researching.

    Maybe others have some options for you depending on what is bothering you.
  4. web1b

    web1b Active Member

    Jun 10, 2007

    I'm not specifically looking for a hybrid, but the Prius fits my needs because of the reasons I stated above. Camry and Civic won't work because of their tiny trunks with the battery back there.
    A Nissan Versa almost works but I don't really want to buy a brand new car that doesn't have VSC in 2008/2009 and I don't know if the A/C in a Versa is strong enough to handle really hot summer days.

    The upcoming 2009 Honda Fit also almost works, but it may be a bit small for extended highway drives in comfort and, typically, little imported cars can be expected to have very weak A/C units that can't keep the cabin cool when a summer heat wave hits and they generally really skimp on sound deadening. The Fit may also not be crash worthy enough for me to feel comfortable in it.
  5. web1b

    web1b Active Member

    Jun 10, 2007

    The main problem I remember is my legs being uncomfortable from poor thigh support. I think the cushion is a bit short and titled too low.
    On a long trip, my elbow also got sore from resting all day on the hard center armrest, but I think the armrest is fixable with some padding.
  6. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime
    I'm glad you rented one. I've seen many posts of people buying a Prius "because there was one on the lot" and then discovering they hated the seats.

    I know some have added cushions and I hope that would work for you. I'm at the height where the seats are not a problem, but I know they are for others.

    [email protected] Kimbermatic

    Jan 9, 2008
    Simsbury, CT
    2008 Prius
    Here is the support I purchased. Notice that it has the lower leg support, and back support. The store actually let me try different models until I decided which was best. I purchased the grey version.

    McCarty's Premium Sacroease Auto Back Support
  8. web1b

    web1b Active Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    Maybe waiting for the 2009 is best choice since I have already waited this long. Trial and error with cushions can be very expensive experiment if I still end up without a good solution.

    I'm really surprised Toyota put a deaf ear towards 5 years of complaints about a seat that doesn't have even a manual height and tilt adjustment
  9. web1b

    web1b Active Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    If they have a good return policy, I suppose I could order 3 or 4 different cushions, rent another Prius for a weekend and see if any of them will solve the issue well enough for me to deal with it for 5 or 6 years.

    I looked at their web site and it says seat and back cushions are non-refundable.

    Relax The Back - Return Policy

    How are you supposed to find one that works with without wasting several hundred dollars experimenting?
  10. Boo

    Boo Boola Boola Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    Flushing, NY
    2007 Prius
    1. I had no problem with Honda A/C. In fact, I think that my 1987 Civic Wagon, which is exactly the same length as the 2008 Fit, has A/C as good
    as the Prius.

    2. The 2008 Fit equals or surpasses the Prius in all crash tests.

    3. If I didn't get the Prius, I would have gotten the Fit. For me, it was a toss-up. I just happened to walk into the Toyota dealer first (the Honda dealer was a couple of blocks further up the avenue), and found the color, package and price I wanted, so I bought it on the spot.
  11. web1b

    web1b Active Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    The new post-1994 CFC free A/C in a new Fit may not compare to what you had on a 1987. I remember driving a 90s Civic that couldn't keep the interior cool on a very hot day except at freeway speeds. People are always complaining about the A/C in Mazdas like the Mazda3. In general, I've found cars from Europe and Japan to have weaker AC units than most domestic cars (I guess summers in Germany and Japan don't compare to the heat of the Southwest US). It's most apparent in the smallest cars since they have smaller a/c compressors as to not over tax the little engines and they figure people who buy economy cars will just have to deal with it as a trade-off for the money they save.

    I found the A/C on the Prius I rented to be much better than average.

    I will have to test drive a 2009 Fit on a 100+ degree day this summer to test it out. I may also do the same with the 2009 Versa if Nissan adds VSC for 2009 models.
    I'll look at the 2009 Prius too if it's a new design.
  12. ibmindless

    ibmindless Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    2007 Prius
    I bought an Orbus Forme seat cushion that looks sort of like this:

    ObusForme Back & Seat Cushion with Heat & Massage - Car or Chair Cushion

    except that it has NASCAR logos on it. I picked it up on eBay (new, in box) for around $20 shipped. I'm pretty fussy about what I sit on and this thin cushion is pretty comfortable. I drove my Prius from San Diego to Seattle (around 1400 miles) in a 2-day stretch and I had nary a complaint about the seat comfort.
  13. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Would you still buy the perfect car for you if it had the perfect seats, was a few hundred more to buy, but you would get almost all of that extra back at trade in time?

    If you answer yes then fit a pair of Recaro seats and remove them at selling time to be replaced with a pair of pristine new looking genuine seats you stored wrapped in plastic, and you can put the Recaros in your next car.
    If you were looking for a used car and saw the seats were like new you would think the car was really looked after.

    [email protected] Kimbermatic

    Jan 9, 2008
    Simsbury, CT
    2008 Prius
    That is odd, my store gave me 14 days to return, maybe it is just the online store that doesn't allow returns.
  15. alnvilma

    alnvilma New Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Curious you should mention the Versa:
    I bought an SL, kept it for 12k miles and traded for my now, second Prius because nothing else compares. About the Versa;
    I found it to be the smoothest & quietest car I've ever owned! It had the CVT transmission. The upgraded interior with the SL was luxurious and the big wide seats with height adjustment, SO comfortable. If it had just returned decent milage in town, I would have kept it! 23-24 mpg for most of my driving was too low for that 'feel-good' moment at the pump. The Versa was hands down superior to the Fit and Yaris for quiet and comfort. It handeled about like the Prius; not great but, OK. Driving is fun again in the Prius arcade. I saw 50 mpg on a trip to the coast this week.
  16. howardbc

    howardbc Member

    Mar 20, 2008
    Scottsdale, AZ
    2008 Prius
    I agree with you about the seats. However, I went to my local Relax-The-Back store and they let me try various pillows/cushions and also said they would take the item back if I returned it within 10 days. Just a thought.

  17. subarutoo

    subarutoo New Member

    Jan 18, 2006
    Chatsworth, CA
    2006 Prius
    One thought is how long you typically "live" in your car. I do about 10 hours a week in commuting (1 hour each way). I'm over 6' and 230+lbs. The seat is fine for me, though 1-2 inches of rear travel would be nice. On a trip to Vegas from LA, my hip and thigh was aching, but it never comes up on my every day drive, or even drive of 2-3 hour, or so. If the seats bother you on a shorter trip, more like your usual drive style, skip the Prius, or do the band-aid seat fixes. I do have a posturpedic padded lumbar support from driving my Subaru, which I use, but the really long trips still bother me. The same problems happpen in both of our Subarus, which have vastly superior seats to the Prius, but get 20-25 mpgs) I'm so happy with the car otherwise, that I "just live with it". Maybe that's why Toyota hasn't bothered to fix the problem, too many people just live with the seats as one of the Prius less desireable features, balanced out by a great car otherwise.
  18. kazie60

    kazie60 New Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Madison, WI
    2008 Prius
    The whole thigh sitting area has no sense of security. It is like nothing is holding your body and you are floating without any support. You need thigh support and without it your back is out of line. Your whole body suffers from stress.

    I have ordered the gel cushion from Brookstone: Brookstone - The Perfect Innovative Gift Idea - An Assortment of Specialty Consumer Products for $59 as well as the mesh back support for $11.99 at Luggage, Backpacks, Purses & More - Great Prices - eBags today. I plan to drive 3000 miles in the next two weeks so I will let you know how they work when I get back. I already have the $99 Obus Ultra Foam back and it is not good with this seat. It pushes you more foreward and the lack of thigh support is made worse.

    I love the car but you would have to go a long way to find worse seats!!! It might be a reason to sell the car. I am seeing cars for sale with only a few hundred miles on them so wonder if that is the reason.
  19. jdonalds

    jdonalds Active Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    Redding, California USA
    Other Electric Vehicle
    I agree the seats are not as comfortable as I would like. I want adjustments so I can tilt the seat section, raise and lower the seat, and lumbar support. My biggest gripe about the otherwise wonderful and interesting car is the head rest is too far forward which gives me neck aches. I've reversed the head rest which helps but then it is too far back. However reversed is better even if, I suspect, less safe.

    My second and only other grip is the Toyota style cruise control. I don't like where it it mounted. I don't like having to turn it on every time I start the car. I don't like that it erases the cruise speed when dropping below 25mph.

    Otherwise I can't wait to drive the Prius. Every time we have to go somewhere I get excited thinking about the fact that I'm going to get to drive it once again. We've had the car less than 3 months and we've put 6,000+ miles on it because our other car is seldom driven any more. We plan our day so my wife and I can either ride together or take turns using the car while the Honda Odyssey (great car) sits in the driveway. Every time I drive the Odyssey I feel like I'm spilling gas on the road.

  20. kazie60

    kazie60 New Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Madison, WI
    2008 Prius
    I so agree about the neck pain. My neck and the top of my shoulders ache after I have been driving 20 minutes. Whoever designed those seats should be shot!!! I thought the headrest was pushing my head forward in an unnatural way and you just validated my suspicions. Thanks. I will try reversing the headrest to see what hapens. Have you tried removing the headrest altogether? Of course it would be unsafe. But the daily neck pain vs. the chances of an accident are hard to talk yourself out of.

    What people don't realize is that having the ablility to move the seat up and down and sideways will NOT make the difference we hope to see. The seat itself is all wrong. It should hug or turn in toward the hips to give stability. It should give more thigh support. It should not cause neck and shoulder pain. When will Toyota listen to us?????????
    I have written them a complaint letter. Hope you all do too.