this is my first post but the forum for my truck is so helpful, I'm sure this one will be too. I just dropped my 2005 Prius off at the dealer to get the headlight fixed - he called back to say that the bulb was an HID bulb and the replacement would be just under $500!! Is that possible?! or, is this guy trying to take me for a ride? Thanks, Lock
I didn't know that HID headlights were availible on a 2005?!?! Anyway, I would try some online parts houses to check thier prices.
Yes HIDs were available for 05s and 04s as well. There have been a number of issues with premature failure of the HIDs for 05 and 06 Prius. I would make every attempt to have Toyota pick up the charge. I would also file a complaint on IVOQ - File a Complaint Search this site and you will see what others have done to have Toyota pick up the cost or a portion of it.
Thanks - I've been searching this site for info, and it seems I'm not alone in having trouble with the headlights. But, Man!, I cannot get over how much that dealer wanted to fix the thing. I've also been trying to figure out if it'd be covered under warranty, but I haven't had much luck sleuthing out a site which could tell me. Best, Lock
Why in the world is it so expensive to replace a HID lamp? Perhaps there is more problem than just a burnt out lamp.
It is not just a abulb but also a balast pretty much like the one for fluorescent lighting in your home
I hope those HID ballasts are included in the 3 year factory warranty as well as in the extended warranty. They sure are not cheap to replace.
help toyota! these lights kill me and my insurance is gonna scream as Ive complaned to dealer that a new car shouldn't have to be fixed by ME! $800 dollars! christ al mighty! there goes my savings from 56.9 mpg! Im going to see if some bulbs I got Got for $9.99 on ebay will work! just wait til the next survey comez to me from Toy-ota! now I see I have to worry about a ballast ? Christ all mighty again................
You will get these fancy smancy lights, I got candles in baked bean cans on my Prius, standard on all Aussie Prius.