There's at least one well stocked dealer in the Seattle area selling all Prius's for invoice...In that common these days? Are there some hidden dealer incentives that would allow one to get below invoice?
I just bought my 2008 prius for $200 below factory invoice ($2,100 below MSRP). Yes, there are an array of incentives from the manufacturer that still allow the dealership to make a profit even if selling below the factory invoice. It is very difficult to know what the true dealer cost of the vehicle is unless they flat out tell you. So you should always try to get as close or below factory invoice as possible. Of course, the final price will always be based on demand, supply, etc.
Both Kelley BlueBook and Edmunds online show: Invoice MSRP Base Price $20,695.00 $22,475.00 Dest. Charge 660.00 660.00 Price With Destination Charge and Required Equipment $21,355.00 $23,135.00 However, my dealer claims invoice is $21,186 (without destination charge), about $500 higher than edmunds or KBB. Is it posible KBB was not updated for Jan 1 price increases?
It could be that the car the dealer is selling has different options (fthan from Edmonds, Kelley) that are driving the cost up. As long as the dealer is giving you two prices, the MSRP and the invoice, it is possible to negotiate a fair deal. You may not ever know their actual cost, but as long as you feel comfortable with the price, then it is a fair deal. My tactic is to locate the same car (same MSRP) at multiple dealerships (online or contacting by email) and getting as many quotes as possible (about 8-10 works well). Once you see the range of prices, you can start negotiating with dealers and drivin ghe price down further. Usually once a dealer knows you are comparing with other dealers, they will drop down to thier lowest (or close to it) price. Make sure that once you agree on a purcase price, ask them to send you the purchase price and the drive away price (purchase + taxes, tags and liscense). When you go to the dealer to buy, you should know exactly, to the dollar, what you will be paying.
I gave in and paid the $14 to Consumer Reports to get price data I have confidence in. It confirmed the KBB and edmunds invoice pricing, and also showed $450 in dealer holdback - in otherwords dealer true cost is $450 less than invoice. It is possible that my dealer included in the invoice $199 for window etching - which was on the sticker on every car in the lot, and possibly something else. As the car we had signed for is due in the lot in a few days, will need to make sure they do not etch the windows, as I understand that is only one step above worthless. Still got to figure out the rest of the difference...I sent the dealer an email an hour response yet...
You're being kind I think lol. But I was wondering, what are people saying these days re the value or worth of window etching?
From a quick "google", you can do it yourself for about $20, yet no real reason to...Insurance does not go down. In theory, it makes it easier to recover a stolen car. I personally don't see how that could make much difference, as VIN is already in several places...However, if hypothetically it is true, why is that good? In the unlikely event my car gets stolen (and I got to believe these smart key systems are hard to defeat), I don't really want it back. I would just assume to collect from insurance and start fresh...
I am so confused now! KBB edmunds, and Consumer reports all provide the same number for INvoice, and several dealers all quote the same number, about $500 higher, and claim my three sources get their data from teh same source, and it is incorrect. Does anyone really know what invoice is for the base model 1224? Consuimer reports says $20,695 (exc. dest charge)...dealers say about $500 more...HELP Found my own answer...~$450 TDA (advertising) and about ~$249 wholesale financial reserve...explain the difference. Anyone have any sucess getting rid of either these?
I just joined this forum. I'm writing because... We just got back from a Houston Toyota dealer (on a Friday night). Found a Prius we liked, 1224, package 2, extra mile package B. Was given an internet quote of $24,500 (list is 25,206). Invoice is $22,692, option invoice of $2021, dest. of $715, for a total of $22,692. Another dealer said they'd go as low as "2% over invoice", which is approx. $500. After reading that many paid close to invoice over on the "How much did you pay" thread on this forum, I figured I could at least get him to knock a few hundred more off his offer. Well, when we got to this dealer, the salesman showed in his computer as part of the invoice a $680 prep fee, a $111 dealer association fee, and 3% in holdbacks for for $673. I pointed out that he got the holdbacks returned, and he said "oh no we don't". I muttered something about this being all a game, and he said "THIS IS NOT A GAME!". After several minutes of awkward silence and no counteroffers, I said "I'd sleep on it". He let me walk. I can see now how the saleswoman at the other dealer could give me $500 over invoice... just add $1400 in bogus fees to it! So the offer on the table is $700 off MSRP, but still about $1800 above the real invoice. Is this anywhere near reasonable for the Gulf Coast? Any advice as to where to go from here? Thanks!
that looks confusing. both my package 2 priuses were 21940 with 55 doc fee and 240 title fee then 8.25% tax. those were all the charges that were made on top of invoice. i do not even know what the invoice is as i was told mine was 500 below invoice which is what im not too sure about but i know that people bought theirs in a similar price to mine or maybe a couple of hundred less but my purchase was headache free and i got to testdrive a prius of my choice in their lot alone without any salesman so i can really evaluate in myself without anyone talking.
I bought mine for an out the door price of $27,950 give or take a dollar. I bought a Magnetic Gray Touring leather, nav, bluetooth, 16 inch tires and such. I did the deal at Toyota Vallejo in California. I got great quotes from Fairfield and Napa too. Fairfield's quote was $26,001 and Napa's quote was $26,110. Vallejo came in at $25,788 and got my business. Sticker on window was $30,154 and with some kind of MSRP Package Discount $28,404. I talked to the salesman many times via e-mail and most agreed that invoice was $26,400. So I think I got a great deal. Try Toyota Vallejo and you will walk away happy like me. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner!
This is what I'm currently working in VA. I have a credit union that can start me at $100 above invoice but of course I want more! The below difference is me shopping around on my own outside the start deal. Here are direct dealer sheet prices for my area. ~Matt Prius Pricing Pack #2 Vehicle Base Model 20022 Package Price 518 Accessories (Mats 5) 126 Destination Charge 660 TDA 420 Gas 10 Dealer Holdback 449 Whsl Financial Res 224 Total Invoice 22429 Current Offer 22606.5 Difference above invoice 177.5
The easy way to get the best price is to use an Auto broker like me. I do all the work for you, no calling 8-10 dealers, no going on the internet, I already know what the best deal is and I already know where to get it. it's a no brainer for me and even more so for you. Sorry to take the mystery out of the car buying game but it is simple. Fleet managers and brokers speak the same language and we are up front with eachother. no BS. it is cut and dry. Tell me what you want and your best price and I will beat it. Andrew
I was able to negotiate a price $200 below dealer invoice, but was also talking with a broker in the meantime. I am getting a 2008, Red, Package #4, with All Weather mats and cargo net for 24,000 plus tax and license. However, when I go to pick up the car, if they give me any trouble with trying to add charges here and there, I will definitely go to the broker. Once I told the broker "no thank you" and told him what price I had negotiated, he told me what his quote was. After adding his fee I might have saved about $100. (and a lot of time). I am glad I kept communicating with the broker because he gave me his quote, which got rid of all of the fear I had that the broker fee would end up making me pay more than I would have otherwise. From what I can tell, brokers have better luck getting cars without having to pay some combination of the holdback, the TDA and the Wholesale Financial Reserve. In the future, I will use the broker I had been speaking to.
if you are in the Bay area, just go to Concord Toyota and look for Gino, his price is lower than the broker that was posting here ..... I flew in from LA and bought from Gino