I installed the Dice Silverline in my '08 prius 2 months ago. I like it for the most part. I use it in MP3 mode (I like how everything is on one screen). Sometimes I listen to podcasts, but halfway through I decide I want to listen to music. But, when I go back to the podcast it restarts from the beginning. I understand that the iPod works the same way, so it doesn't really bother me that this happens. But, I was trying to figure out a way to FFWD. Has anyone discovered a way to fast forward with their Dice unit? I believe there is a FFWD option in satellite mode (I seem to remember getting it to work when I tried that mode), but if anyone found a way to do it in MP3 mode, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Fweeper
I have mine in SAT mode and use the buttons (I forget their names) to the right of the TEXT button. The left one of the two does Reverse and the right one of the two does FF. You don't have to hold the button down; just press it to make it go and press it again (or the other button) to stop. They really move it quickly in either direction.
I tried the satellite mode again. I still don't like it for a variety of reasons: 1) doesn't show the time of the current thing playing. 2) information is spread across too many screens. I guess I am going to have to stick to no fast forwarding... EDIT: I found the solution in the Prius Manual (go figure). You can fast forward and rewind in MP3 mode by holding the "V TRACK/SEEK ^" button. Fweeper