Can anyone help. Started up this morning and my display screen was just dead. Nothing. I looked in the manual to see if I may have accidently turned it off or how to turn it back on, but I couldn't find anything. I pushed every button I could think of and nothing. Any body have any suggestions or am I missing something obvious? Thanks!
I assume you tried pressing the buttons on the side of the MFD? It looks dead when it is simply turned off. Tom
I've got an 06. Can't recall the exact package number, but I've got the blue tooth but no nav system. No DICE, never had any other problems with it. Yes, I pushed all the buttons (that I could find) on the side of the MFD. I pushed diplay, info, climate and audio, repeatedly, held them down, etc. Nada.
Try it with your headlamps on and off, just to make sure it isn't a dimming issue. It sounds to me like a power problem (fuse perhaps), or a failure of the MFD. Either way it's going to be a trip to the dealer. Tom
I did try that headlight thing. Bloody hell...this doesn't fit my schedule this week! Oh well, thanks for the input.
Must be something in the air since the same thing happened to me this morning on my '04. Everything seems to work but no display so no NAV. When I start the car the radio is off but if I push the button I get the radio back and the banner at the top of the display showing the channel and volume level. The earliest that I can get the car in is next week Friday since I have to drive to NJ this weekend for the week. I know that others have had the MFD fail in the '04 which is why I bought the extended warranty. I will call my service department today.
As you state, MFD failure in a 2004 is fairly common. Information posted on PC suggests this is normally from a poor solder connection. Are you handy with a soldering iron? Tom
Went to the dealer...after 1.5 hours of diagnostics, they need to order me a new MFD. So I gotta go back in a week or so when it arrives.
I have made an appointment to take mine in next Friday after I get back home. A loose connection of some sort really makes sense because sometimes it will work for a short while but most of the time it just says system isn't connected. This was the main reason why I purchased the extended warranty. Mine is a very early '04 as I picked it up in Nov. '03