HSEA glass has been the standard on many Toyota (and other MFR's) for quite a number of years now. Nothing unique to Prius. Tundra and most of the rest have it too. It's all about enhanced UV reduction. UV, Light, and HEAT are all quite different wave-lenghts.
Since when did federal law dictate HEAT reduction. The laws concern light transmission, and everyone else reading this thread seems to get that. YIKES . MFR's have figured out that UV reduction enhance interior longevity and reduces harmful rays to passengers. That what HSEA glass is about. Your argument was buy HID's to enhance the environment that tinting reduces. HID's illuminate the forward view out the windshield and tint doesn't effect that. Nor do HID's enhance the side or rear view.
You are correct that federal law regulates visibility, and as such, the windows in the Prius are as dark as they can be (compared to the majority of other motor vehicles) so that the Prius can maximize heat loading. I agree that front windows should not be tinted, nor should side windows. For the Prius with a backup camera, tinting the hatchback window is not too risky. Why are HIDs so great? Because they give the headlamp designer 3 times the volume of light compared to halogen, and thus they can use that extra volume to enhance not only the vision to the front, but also to the side so that you can see pedestrians, curbs and other obstructions that may be in your path when turning at lower speeds. Of course HIDs don't enhance rear vision and I never claimed that they do.
I have my windows tinted 50% front side and 35% back windows Va law. It was installed at Atlantic Shoreline Co. in va beach, va for $210.00 film type is 3M :cell:Llumar Charcoal.
Indiana tint laws: 35% on front windows, 15% on rear What I have: 5% all the way around, 35% on my windshield with a 5% strip across the top. To go beyond the legal limits, you have to find a non-corporate company. Some local guys that do tint (they usually do a better job anyways) and just ask for it. You wont be able to use anything but cash and wont get a receipt. At night I can see just fine with HIDs, if they were normal hologens, that would suck. Oh ya, and true limo tint isnt 5%, its 2-3%. Basically black construction paper
It may be the law but its not safe. Here is how the VA law was implemented: The state representatives in whose jurisdiction is a window tint manufacturing company propose an amendment to the law to permit the addition of window tinting on motor vehicles. The Commissioner of the State Police testifying before the VA State House and Senate, made cogent arguments backed by data about the loss of visibility causeing increased crashes and increased danger to law enforcement officers because of not being albe to see into motor vehicles. After a modest debate, the chairman of the committee under whose jurisdiction the amendment resided, and BTW, within whose constituents the tinting film manufacturer resided, told the Commissioner that if he persisted in opposing the amendment, that he would see to it that the VA State Police funding for the next year would be substantially cut. Pretty soon the amendment became law. So, as I said, it would be best for your safety and others to have no additional tinting on your windshield or front driver-side or front passger side window.
One of the reasons that companies behave that way is because it is actually a violation of federal law for a motor vehilce business to alter a motor vehicle such that it would not comply with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards that applied to it when it was initially sold to the public. Unfortunately, NHTSA doesn't have sufficient staff to enforce that, and NHTSA's Chief Counsel doesn't want to sue tens of thousands of companies nor tell dozens of state governors that their law is in violation of the National Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966. So, we have the state of the art today: vehicle manufacturers can't tint window darker than they already are because NHTSA enforces the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards on them, but motor vehicle businesses choose to violate the Safety Act with apparent impunity!
Your original post inferred that heat-reducing tint was not necessary, because the factory windows were somehow already at their peak of efficiency. Simply incorrect, and that's what I've been trying to communicate all along. HSEA glass has to do with UV protection. Not light reduction, not heat reduction and it's not a function of darkness of tint. Reduce UV, and you net some heat reduction, but no where near the peak of heat reduction efficientcy, as you originally posted. I never said front windows shouldn't be tinted. I never asked what makes HID's great. I have them, I know. I never commented on my night driving habit. And I never said you did. You seem to want to create things to argue about and make this personal. Your original point indicated tint reduces the visibility of the envirnoment that HID's can enhance. I say not so, if you don't tint your windshield. Instead of Hi-Jacking a guys thread wanting advice on window tint, just start your own.
Sorry, I will be more careful reading, and stay on topic. However, I don't feel like giving up on responding to unsafe behavior that may adversly affect other roadway users' safety.
All I know is these windows are not that dark and they conform to state law politics aside. 50 percent of the light is getting in.. Everybody here knows that in Va Beach we have stringent rules for window tenting more for the police safety than anything else. When compared to other states such as Fl and AZ they don't appear to be that dark maybe I don't have my numbers correct but it's not unsafe IMO but thanks for the heads up..
I lived in Miami before and had a Toyota Tercel with limo tints all around and never had a problem with the law, so unless the tint laws have changed in the last 5 years then you are legal to put dark tint on your car. I'd check the current laws before limiting yourself.
I took the plunge today and dropped off my new car for the full treatment of window tinting and Venture Shield protection. They are going to do a 35% tint on all windows except the back up camera and front windows. They will add a 6 inch front window strip on the top of the window to keep out the direct sun hitting your eyes. They do not have ceramic so they are using a non-metalic film. I was nervous giving the OK but told myself I can always have them removed. They are also doing the Venture Shield protective covering over the hood, lights, bumpers, edge of my doors and edge of my high Touring spoiler which hits my garage door if I am not careful when I open it. Total package was $600 which seemed high but it will protect my car and they don't have competition in the area. I pick up the car tomorrow. I will take pictures if the weather gets better. Right now it is blowing like crazy and very cold!
You will love the VentureShield protective covering. I've had it for 30,000 miles of highways driving, and not a single hood ding or chip!
Actually that is a really good deal with the clear bra and tint. It is best to do the clear bra when the car is new so you don't have any rock chips on it. Do take pictures of it when they finish. Make sure they do the little windows by the front of the car by the side mirrors.
kazie60, I just had the Dealership in Tulsa put Ceramic tinting on our cars. Oklahoma law stipulates no darker than 25% all around. I had 35% all around installed for $299 per car and it looks great. I will post pictures in the near future.
we are also registered in wi and have 35% on all side windows/45% on windshield with a medical exemption so it's legal. the lowest you can tint the windshield legally is the AS1 line. also know the legal percentages are net light transmittance, and there is some extremely light tint in the window glass. i doubt they're going to take a meter to your windows right there on the side of the road, but be aware. enjoy the new tint!
Here is a chart of legal limits for all 50 states: http://www.iwfa.com/iwfa/Law_Chart/State Law Chart 7-19-07.pdf
I was told the metallic tint that they used (llumar) would not interfere were the NAV, and I have had no problems yet.
For North California drivers, I got a quote for tinting the Prius for $210 using Suntek Carbon, which never fades and does not interfere with GPS or cell phones. The quote includes 35% tint on the rear windows and hatch, plus CA-legal tint on the front windows. The film used on the front windows is 90%, therefore CA legal and they will provide a certificate which can be shown if ever harassed by the law. They gave me a quote for $159 without tinting the front windows. These prices include taxes and lifetime guarantee. You can see them at www.windowstintingplus.com. They are located in Fremont and Oakland.
I am taking mine tomorrow to get my windows tinted will try and get some pics of it after ...Getting all the windows done and strip on front ...