rounding it up to the next dollar isn't going to hurt it any, (especially at current prices) its forcing another full gallon in there after the initial shutoff that will.
Don't know how true this one is.... Could just be a "Fox with Mange", but here it is.... When pumping fuel you should not squeeze the pump handle to it's fullest travel. The resulting higher pressure of flow into the tank causes a certain amount of foaming which then allows for faster evaporation and loss of fuel which you are paying for. Sounds like a reasonable thing to me.... Also the foaming/ bubbling can cause the pump to shut off when the tank has not yet reached the actual full mark. I Do know for a fact that overfilling any Toyota fuel tank can result in liquid fuel contamination of the charcoal canister. This can lead to fuel being sucked into the engine during normal purging of the canister. The ECU cannot account for the extra fuel and drivability issues can result. The repairs can be quite expensive.
I set the auto fill on the nozzle, usually on the slowest speed until it shuts off. Then, I slowly fill the tank until I hear a funny sounding noise in the tank. I immediately stop when that noise 1st starts & rarely have had any gas coming out of the fill hole. I also live 13 miles from the place I get my gas so by the time I get home I have used maybe 1/5 of a gal. Also, I always have my car in the garage after my weekly shopping/gas run. Hope this helps.
^thanx, i do set the fill on the slowest setting, also to allow air to exit and keep it from popping prematurely
I just filled my 06 Prius slowly. When the hose shut off, gas came spurting out. Now I'm confused. I can't fill the tank fast and now I can't fill it slowly. Keeping my fingers crossed that I don't have damage...
Use the slow setting on the pump, and find a pump that works. As for fast filling, foam, and evaporation, that's just plain nonsense with a modern fuel tank, especially the U.S. version of the Prius. Tom
ok guys, my turn to ask a question on this issue. When I normally fill my car, I use the slowest setting that has a "holder thingy" and get about 8.5 gal in when last pip has started flashing. Based on advice from this forum, the last 2 fill-ups, I have hand held the nozzle and gone slower than the slowest holder thingy, and both times the pump has not shut off by itself and I got the spurting gas phenomenon. Also ended up getting 10 gal in tank. I did enjoy the increased driving range, I will say that, but don't want to ruin my fuel tank. Why wouldn't the silly thing have shut off? This happened at two different gas stations. Now I am thinking I could pump it slow and stop manually at about 9.5 gal and that should be safe since it doesn't start spurting until after 10 gal.. Any thoughts, advice?:eyebrows: Fernsmom