As a number of members have upgraded their rims, I was wondering if anyone is interested in selling their stock rims. Jon
There is a set on eBay now: Kinda pricey! $500
If you are looking for extra rims to run studed snows, the '04 Corolla rims and wheel covers fit the Prius. You can probably find a good deal on those. They don't use salt in Wyoming so we have to be prepared for miles of packed snow and possible black ice.
You should be able to buy a complete set on e-Bay from a new car for between $200 and $300 total cost, depending on whether they come with the trim rings, lugs and valves. Apparently, some new car buyers leave the original wheels with the dealer when they upgrade rims on new Prii. Be patient, some may show up soon. If you search for "Prius Wheels" completed sales, you'll find the most recent prices. I purchased a set this way from a Toyota dealer in GA for $300 + shipping. I believe this is a legitimate source. wildplaces
I just looked it up. It was re-listed several times before it finally sold for $200 with FREE shipping. TOYOTA PRIUS WHEELS NIB!!!!
JCHU - I have a set of 2005 Prius wheels and tires with about 8K on them in perfect condition, freeway miles and rotated at 5K. I am replacing them this week as soon as my new 17" rims and tires arrive. I will sell mine for $200, buyer pays shipping. Let me know, you can call me if you want - Michael 925.997.6933 Cell - OH I am in the SF Bay Area, CA.
Jchu, I own a 2006 Prius and a 2009 Prius. I damaged a trim ring on the 2006, but instead of purchasing a new one, I've decided to remove all rings from 2006. I'm quite satisfied with the look of the 2006 without the rings. I've transferred one of the good 2006 rings to the 2009 as a replacement for one that was scuffed. So I now have two spare rings from the 2006. They are in quite good condition, with just a few mini-scratches along the outer edge. I'd be willing to give one of them to you for just the postage. If you're interested, call me at (256) 492-3380, but no sooner than Monday, March 23.
Just wondering if you still have two spare trim rings you can spare I need two. From 2004-2009. Someone tried to steal mine, probably grabbed it from the wrong part and broke it on the plastic joint. Then tried to steal the other one and that broke too. I have an '04 and the plastic may have been brittle to begin with.
Living in Durango, Colorado - I will need studded snow tires on the Prius. If you have replaced your wheels and have two that you would like to sell - I'm your guy. Alan Yoder