Hi! I need a lot of search to find the real interesting and "correct" settings for the Scangauge (Xgauge). Here is a quick summary from "EAA-PHEV"-Site. charge/discharge current of the HV battery (wrong in the original scangauge manual) TXD 07E321CE RXF 056186CE0000 RXD 3810 MTH 0001000AF333 NAM IHV (Name frei wählbar) HV battery voltage TXD 0033 RXF 0100023B0000 RXD 2010 MTH 000100010000 NAM UHV (Name frei wählbar) SOC of the HV battery TXD 07E321CE RXF 056186CE0000 RXD 3008 MTH 000A00020000 NAM SOC (Name frei wählbar) horsepower of the ICE TXD 00 RXF 400080000000 RXD 0000 MTH 000A00170000 NAM HPR (Name frei wählbar) Greetings, Mike
wow also a sensor for HP? is it really presenting with figures like 40hp and when accelerating with 110hp? wy is "name" txt in german?
because i copy-pasted my own tread from the Toyota Prius Hybrid Forum - Index forum. I dont know if the HP reading is precisely, but it shows realistc numbers. Mike