I got an offer from a dealership to buy a Touring Prius Touring with package 5 for $26,614 in the color I want too. They say the car is inbound and will be there on the 10th. He cannot show me the window sticker yet because he doesn' have the car, obviously, but he "guarantess" that it's the exact car he's quoting. The salesman wants me to put in a deposit, which I can do with a credit card to be safe. Is that a good price for this car?
What is your purchase area? In VA the Invoice is $25160 and MSRP would be $26935. It all depends on if that is the out the door price or if they still have yet to tack on "the fees". I've been shopping recently as well. ~Matt
Hello to both of you!! and welcome... have you checked out the toyota web site and tried the "build you own Prius" section to see what that priced out at? Just a suggestion... good luck!!
The area is Nashville, TN. This dealership in question is up in Clarksville, TN, 1 hour away. This price is before all fees, taxes, etc. Funny thing is that on the Toyota site there is no option for Touring with package 5, only package 4 or 6, but the salesman tells me that he knows for a fact that this car is a Touring model with the GPS but no leather...