Ok today i got it working with my rewritten software thx to tim and ken@japan i have a canview of my own and it connects en disconnects the extra battery pack based on state of charge and voltage. I now get a range of about 20km keeping the battery voltage high so i keep the soc high and the prius keeps driving in EV mode The battery pack is connected with relais so when i am charging the HV battery pack from the prius its 12 volts in parallel and i have a DC- DC converter that puts out 240 volts when the extra battery pack is depleted its put in series and in parallel to the HV prius battery and can take in regen energie when braking. Pictures soon....:cheer2: i am thinking about setting up a company for plugins in the EU the price wil be somewhere around 2000 euro (3000 dollar ) for 20km range
Congratulations. Let's see if all of the naysayers show up and swallow their words. While I was glad to see that you kept working at it, I really did not expect you to be successfull this quickly.
If this isn't an april fools post... What did you use for the battery pack, and how much did it cost you???
:sorry:to all. :behindsofa: ound:eace: 3000 dollars and 20km range? really now one that started to disbelieve that? the amount of battery's you need to do that cost more than 3000 dollars. even is you use lead acid battery's
aaackk! I went about my day after making my congratulatory post, then just realized what day it was. Oh well, good joke!ound:
Actually, you can get lead-acid for about $300 per kWh at the moment. A Prius typically uses 200 Wh per mile, or 125 Wh per km, so for 20 km you would need 2.5 kWh, or say 3.6 kWh to allow for only 70% discharges of your battery. The battery for a 20 km range could cost as little as $1,080, but of course the problem of lead acid is cycle life (and weight, 3.6 kWh would weigh in at 120 kg). This is why there is the scramble for lithium.
ok maybe the DIY plugin being ready was a joke but i am still working on it and below are some pics of the firts testdrive with the canbus monitoring. and i can say that when you start from a dead stop and you do it slow then you can get -20 to -30 amps @ 210 volts = between 4200 - 6300 watts and when driving along i get -15,5 @45kmph = 3255watt so... a lot more!!