I happened to park next to an earlier version of a Prius. It is much smaller to me. More like a regular sedan that heppens to be a Hybrid. The newer style is much eaiser to see as it doesn't look like anything else on the road... Of course it took a few extra minutes to get past this mess in the road: Video of Car-B-Q - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Well, if you look at the left car from the front or from the side, it doesn't look like a regular sedan anymore.
The same was true back then too. Lots of vehicles adopted a similar look sine then. But in its time, it was quite unique... so much so that countless articles were published about how that was HARMING the success of Prius. Yes, standing out was claimed to be a big shortcoming. Of course, how many other things have those so-called experts been wrong about when it comes to hybrids? .
Show a little respect there, Naptown-newbie. That is a fine-looking aqua ice opalescent you had the honor to approach. If we hadn't bought ours, no tellin' if you'd now be able to enjoy yours. Too bad you can't use B and cruise control at the same time, and have to step on the brake pedal to start the thing. Ah but that's progress I guess.