First, let me say that I am 47 and do not ever abuse my cars. I Bought a 2001 Nissan Maxima GLE new with extended warranty. Got more than my money's worth with that warranty because of the constant repairs. Got sick of it and and finally traded for a reliable Toyota. In only 69500 miles I replaced the O2 sensors 4 times under warranty and twice out of warranty ($570), the main computer, the alternator died and left me along a dark road (at 41000 miles), muffler system completely rotted out at 39000 miles (warranty did not cover that), the drivers window stuck down, when climate control was put on "auto" the engine would bog down terribly at lights. Turn it off and car smooths out perfectly. Took it to the dealer and they had no clue what caused this. Final straw was a rattle in front end when going slowly over rough parking lots. Took it in and was told I needed wheel bearings, front and rear struts and a lower control arm. At $1700 estimated repair I ran to the Toyota dealer. What a great disappointment this car was. It was a great looking car and comfortable to drive but I was always thinking about what will break next. Great acceleration, awesome stereo, comfy seats were nice. I now drive a Prius and love it. Also own a 2004 highlander (lots of snow here).
We traded a 99 Duragno because it was starting to have major problems with 166,000 miles. I figured that we would come close to gas savings covering the whole payment. But as i Have discovered since tracking my miles (something i could never do in the Durango at 12 MPG on a 25 gal tank and traveled ~300 miles per tank) I fill the Prius once every 7 to 8 days (378 miles per tank ) meaning 4 times month. Well that means the Durango was more like five times a month and that means the Prius is FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no new cash outflow. The only thing we gave up is being able to tow our camper, and we see how we figure that out in the summer.
1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Yes at 15 mpg's on a good day, it wasn't a hard decision. I drive about 20,000-25,000 miles a year so get out your calculator and you can see that the money I save in gas makes my car payments. Also at 75 mph I used to feel like I was riding a bull but now it is smooth sailing.
Replaced a 1996 Ford Ranger XLT Extenda cab 4.0 litre engine 2 wheel drive with 186,000 mile on it with a 2008 Prius Touring magnetic grey. Purchased the Prius Touring because it definetly handles better then the regular Prius and I have a 60 mile per day commute, big gas cost savings. Prius: Much Better handeling. Much better gas mileage. Bigger wow factor. Support: George Bush who defends us, supports the war, our rights, and the environment. The best man for the job period.
I replaced a 1978 Datsun/Nissan 280Z that I have restored and driven over the years. I hate to sell it but it won't fit in the garage since I got the Prius. Anybody interested?
Mine will replace (hopefully, tomorrow) a 2004 Mercedes-Benz C230 Kompressor. The C230 is a great car, and I really like its leather interior, but with the price of premium in Vancouver approaching $1.35 per litre (about $5.40 per US gallon), the carbon taxes that are about to kick in here, and the really, really, REALLY expensive cost of servicing at the MB dealership, the Prius just makes a whole lot of sense. Plus, being kind of a green type, I like the fact that the Prius pollutes a whole lot less. Also, the C230 was rear-ended at the end of 2006, and it's never been quite the same since--neither has my back, for that matter...
my situation is quite weird traded my 05 Scion xA for my 08 P6 touring but the driving duties of the prius replaces the duty that my 07 Caddy EXT used too, feakin only gets 14.8mpg combined, and i travel average 100miles/day the Scion was an extra lil commuter around town where should i vote?
Right now I'm carless, commuting to and from work by either bicycle or bus, so the Prius will be my first car in four years! So, in a way, it will pollute more than either my road bike or mountain bike!
Traded 2006 Mustang GT. The Prius cost less than half to drive the same miles and has lot's of more room for the Kids and Grandkids. With the back seat down I can get two sets of Golf clubs, two suitcases and a small cooler wiht room left over.
I voted other. Mazda5... not really a wagon or a minivan. Sort of a micro-van. It also half replaces a wrx wagon. I alternate every week between the two since I drive 50k miles a year. Not the best scenario, but that's life, I guess.
2004 Ford F150 with next to largest V8 ! Man I hated filling that thing up every week and a half..... and that was letting it set on the weekends !!
We traded a 2007 Pontiac Vibe with 5200 miles for the Prius. We had a fit of nostalgia when we bought it and tried to save some money with a standard shift. After all we both grew up with standard shift cars so why not. Well after nine months it just became old and a nuisance. You absolutely bleed money when you trade that soon but we decided to be happy with our car rather than continually irritated.
'94 Buick Century...what can I say? Still driving the '90 bio-diesel vanagon...30+mpgs in a 1-ton vehicle!
1995 Jeep Wrangler 4-cyl. 120 HP, 5-spd. 156,000 mi. ~23 MPG best brakes ever transmission rebuilt once, but needed it again leaked like a seive from under dash -- 3 in. of water in front footwells after rain :rain: Haven't looked back once For Sunday drives, still have 1990 Miata. zum-zum ... :car:
With much sadness, traded in my BMW Z3 Roadster: Several factors went into the decision: 1. With 2 kids, wanted them to know dad cared about being green. 2. Son is a year away from permit. Did NOT want him learning in the Z 3. Needed brakes plus more to get ready for this season, thought the $1500+ would be better served elseware. 4. Had the Z3 for 5 years (Bought on eBay) 5. Cost of gas 6. Well, the Prius is just FUN