Well, since the lakes have pretty much thawed out now it's time fer sum sailin'! I'm the crew (the kid up front).
[imglink]http://priuschat.com/forums/attachments/freds-house-pancakes/8396d1207118928-what-do-you-look-like-4056.jpg[/imglink] Me & Mao [imglink]http://priuschat.com/forums/attachments/freds-house-pancakes/8397d1207118928-what-do-you-look-like-ak-b-w.jpg[/imglink] Daughter -- Yes, her mother must have been very good looking.
That Lotus is sick! Do you still have it? We should plan a So Cal meet and you should bring your Lotus. That way I can drive it! Lol. Since we are posting pictures of pets, here is my dog Chopper:
yea still got it, LOL cool thing is for a car that can blast 0-60 in about 4sec. i get an average of about 25-29mpg's and since we are in the subject of pets, here is my GF with our shiba inu Jeli and just for steamboat another Lotus pics
Why wait for the lake to thaw when all the real adrenalin sailing happens without water. Water only slows you down. 100km/h+ and no brakes! Yes you can fit blades for use on ice, it's even faster than on salt or sand.
Thanks for the pic! I can't wait to drive it. Where would you like to meet me? Willow Springs or Malibu Canyon.
We have ice rockets here and they're wicked fast. Down on the front range though the "lakes" are all closed during the winter. Up in the mountains though, there are folks that sail 'em. Minnesota and Wisconsin have big groups too.
Nice portrait, Renato! I take it you're a photographer? Here are me and my wife at the airport in Belize a few years back:
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