I was getting something out of my 07Prius and accidentally hit the clock on the dash. Now one side of the clock is pushed into the dash farther then the other side. Any ideas on an easy - or the best - way to get behind that panel to snap the clock back into the correct position. It's not hurting anything but it is annoying. Thanks Frank......
i have used this trick in the past - but use at your own risk: take a pencil or 1/4" dowel and hot-melt glue it to the surface of the pushed in area. Let cool. Pull clock back into place. Scrape off glue. Clearly, the force to pull the thing pack into place cannot exceed the bonding strength of the glue. I specified hot-melt because it is a fairly benign adhesive and scrapes right off most surfaces. Epoxy or crazy-glue would be stronger but you'd ruin the clock face.
did the same to my wife's 98 Camry some years back, but her clock was WAY up on the dash, so i asked Toyota to fix it when they were doing some other work. minimal charge. probably similar [slightly too-weak] clips holding the prius clock in place, too. Hello, Toyota! :director:
If you dig in far enough to remove the MFD, it's attached to that same bezel. See the Chris Dragon dash-disassembly guide for how to go at it. It's actually not that complex, and on the older cars presents a nice opportunity for preventive solder touch-up maintenance on the MFD if it's one of the vulnerable ones. . _H*
Thanks for the responses. I'll probably try the Chris Dragon method because the clock is in the bezel for the Nav. Frank