Hi everyone. Danny had put together a special group buy of the WeatherFlector Window deflectors; I knon't know if the deal is over; you paid list price ($89), but shipping was free. I received the WeatherFlector Window deflectors from www.SigmaAuto.com yesterday and went to install them last night. The front ones installed extremely easily; they just snap right in, with a little diligence. Directions are clear, with illustrations. Follow them closely and you will have no problems However, the rear windows require clips (supplied) and have an adhesive strip on each end. This installation requires a bit more patience and understanding. Some things I've learned: Though it says so, it wasn't clear to me at first, but you pull the rubber gasket down, the clip(s) are installed into the gasket, not the door frame. Then the gasket with clips is pushed back into the door frame. Took me a while to realize this. Also, when pressing the deflector against the clips (they are the corresponding shape of the plastic deflector and use tension to hold the deflectors in place), make sure that you use your left thumb to press the deflector against the clip. Press on the deflector on top of the clip, not to either side of it. I didn't do this at first, and shattered the unsupported thin edge above the clip. Fortunately, I just moved the clip a few inches to the side and reinstalled. The broken lip is hidden under the gasket, but a word of warning. Also, you are supposed to use two clips for each rear window and the instructions say you are supposed to have four clips. I only received two, so I have to wait over the holiday weekend before I can get the other two to install the rear passenger side one. But these look great! Front installation couldn't be easier. I haven't had them on the road yet, but according to the importers website, www.mats.com , they are supposed to reduce wind noise. I will let you know if they actually do that when I've had the car out for a drive. I highly recommend these. They look terrific. If I get a chance, I will take a picture or two as well.
Please let us know about the wind noise. I put a set on my '92 Geo Tracker and the wind noise INCREASED dramatically.
I have the day off, so I installed mine. Those rear retention clips are BRUTAL. I had to recheck posts here to be sure I was putting them in right, then I gave up on the standard instructions and made up my own. At the proper points, use the small hook to grab the outside of the inner channel and pull it down. Hook the small end of the clip inside the back of the channel, shove the clip up inside the channel, and use the large curved end of the tool to tuck the previously pulled-out rubber into place. Once both clips are in place, jam the curved part of the tool back on top of the front clip, and start cramming the deflector in between the tool and the clip. After starting this, shove the front to the deflector where it belongs, and pry the tool out to use to help shove the edge of the deflector where it goes. When you get to the second clip, do the same, but be careful since the deflector needs to bend and the clip popped out a few times. With patience, which was hard to come by, the back pieces finally went in. Now, how DO you reset the auto-reverse on the driver's door? All I can do is ease it up to 99.9% closed, but if I just close it it reopens...
It might need the full motion of the window, but try holding it to go all the way up, then all the way down a few times.
Tried it maybe 10 times. Every time I just used auto-up, it bounced open after closing to some "safe point" about 2/3 open. I eased it up, got it to close without bouncing, but then when I pulled up on the lever it auto-opened to the "safe point". This isn't the way it used to work. I notice in another post related to this feature you said So, what's that procedure? Thanks...
Found this in the PDF files I collected a while back: If the auxiliary battery is disconnected or run down, the power window ay not operate automatically and the jam protection function will not function correctly after you reconnect, replace or recharge the auxiliary battery. In any of these cases, you should normalize the power window. To normalize the power window: 1. Push down the power window switch and lower the window halfway. 2. Pull up the switch until the window closes and hold the switch for a second. Will try it out at lunch, if it's not raining. Don't know if I should pull the power if it still bounces when closed: any input?...
This is correct, according to the repair manual. Didn't read that you had to start with window open half way. Rest of instructions say that if it doesn't work, disconnect battery for 10 seconds, reconnect and recalibrate again.
The hold-the-lever trick must need to be done after a power outage, since it didn't work when I tried it last night. Is there a quick/easy fuse-type way to kill the power to the right circuit? I visited the battery compartment this morning and it looks like a box wrench and a few minutes are required to pull the negative cable. Yanking a fuse would be sooooo much easier...
$13 later, I finally have a metric socket set (10mm required) and the 1/4" adapter to use them with my power screwdriver, and have fixed the window problem. It looked far easier to remove the bolt holding the negative cable to the car than to remove the negative cable from the battery, so that's what I did. Lowering the driver's window then holding the lever up while closing it again reset the auto-up nicely. Thanks... Oh, what conditions do I need to create to prove that these are OK noise-wise or not? I'm not a windows-open person by nature, so they sound fine so far...
I was wondering I have my windows tinted.Do you know if the snap in deflectors will harm the tinted material? Speedo
I didn't see a way for even a very sloppy install to harm the windows, since they need to be down until finished. Tucking the rain guard under the rubber pushed against the guard, not the window. The topmost part, that normally ends up in the frame gasket, doesn't make any scraping sound that I heard. I don't operate any window but the driver's one on a regular basis, though...
Hi got another ? do the weather flectors go all the way into the channel. What I'm trying to say is.Does all the thin part of the plastic go all the way up in the channel,or is there a space of about 1/4inch left not going up in the channel.Mine seem to be all the way up as far as I can get them.Pushed like hell matter of fact I chipped one on the clip.2005 Silver Prius got 49mpg last tank. Thanks Bob