Hi people, This is off topic, I noticed that your profile says that you live at Beijing. Did your Prius happen to be at the airport (PEK, ICAO code: ZBAA)'s parking lot on 02/15/08? I was on a trip visiting China and I arrived that day and I noticed a Prius in the parking lot. -Orion
Nihao Huibin, thank you for starting this interesting discussion. I have been in Yunnan Province since last July and have not seen many Prius here! Quite a few in Hong Kong, and also the Toyota Hybrid minivan. As there are so few Prius in China, I wonder if your Toyota shop has much experience in maintaining them. As you probably know, there is usually little maintenance required. However for a few items (or in case of problems) an experienced technician is a great asset.
That's not my Prius. Actually, there are around more than hundred Prius in Beijing of which most of them are owned by Toyota China and Toyota dealer. I only found 10 prius individual owners in Beijing.
Each Toyota dealer has at least one "so call" seasoned Prius technician trained by Toyota but I doubt it. I think PC will be a great place for discussing the maintenance questions.
There seems to have an extra badge (right side of the liftgate, above the TOYOTA) on the PRC Prius, what is that?