mspencer, I tried this without any success at all. Just FYI, I'm using a Series 2 Tivo--does that matter? Are you sure you didn't miss a step? What screens should I see? Where should I go to find this kind of info (i.e. a more appropriate forum?)
Wow! We have ReplayTV too, and we have a video server rack-mounted in the garage (right next to our Prius) that is also running DVArchive, a hypercool setup indeed. We have about 300 episodes of The Simpsons, virtually every episode of Futurama, and maybe 100 episodes of Iron Chef all ready to watch on demand. We also have a White BC '05 like you do, Bill.
Hi GreenSteve, Not only that we're both 56, my birthday is 3/27. Never been to California though. Happy New Year. Bill
Right, Also (which seems to look like some kind of search-engine-fishing site until you click the Forum link at the top right) has more technical discussion. Those guys aren't afraid to talk about things like extracting video from TiVo, which TiVo themselves seem to dislike. I believe mentioning on TiVo Community is a bannable offense or something, so they apparently don't want people to find out about the things they do there. Oh well. When you try that code, make sure you're playing a recorded show (from Now Playing) and not watching live TV. Hope this helps! --Michael Spencer
Yikes! Sounds like an awful lot of work! The ReplayTV remote has a built-in 30 second skip forward button that used to get more of a workout before I discovered the x-minute skip functionality...
I don't think you're being fair, Ms. Piggy. An awful lot of work? I disagree. We still respect you even though you didn't buy a TiVo.
I've had ReplayTV's since 1999 and we've had 30 second skip since the beginning. How often do you have to do those key strokes? If it's more than once to permanently change your unit then I agree with Ms. Piggy that would be an awful lot of work. With ReplayTV we also have scene change. Hitting the right arrow takes you from your current postion through any commercials to the start of the next scene. For High Defiition we also have two Comcast Motorola 6412 DVR's.
Thanks for the other site and info on the remote...I actually found that info (about needing to have a recorded show playing when you type the code) on Tivo community site.
Yeah, it's pretty much once per the lifetime of the unit. (If you have a power failure you have to enter the code again, but that doesn't happen that often. It's less work than setting the date/time on your VCR, that's for sure. Definitely not significant enough to warrant purchasing one brand over another, so it's not really fair to say "wow, that's a lot of work, I'm sure glad I bought ReplayTV instead" because of it.) --Michael Spencer
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mspencer\";p=\"61161)</div> Well, I never said that's the reason I chose my ReplayTV unit, but now that you tell me the code drops out every time there's a power failure, it makes me even happier not to have a Tivo.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(toyoprius\";p=\"60693)</div> Exactly. I've had mine for almost 2 years now, and I will never go back. However, I despair at the thought of being a TiVo marketing guy. You have to have one for a week or two to "get it". Thank goodness for all the unpaid testamonials from celebraties et. al. (The best one I saw was Rick Reilly on the back page of Sports Illustrated.) And a lot of it is the software -- TiVo's is head and shouders better than what I've seen of the competitions'. When I first started looking at DVRs, all I wanted was the hardware -- the ability to pause while watching "live" TV. It's the ability to be able to see "what's coming" a week in advance, the "saved search" WishLists, and the "Season Pass" feature that really make this thing invaluable. Without a doubt, the best place to get started with TiVo. The PriusChat of TiVo. Very nice folks, very helpful -- and they will help you get through the problems, like Season Passes and NBC/ABC 1-minute delays in starting. :cussing:
Some more observations on using TiVo A few points from my own experience that I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere: , thanks to the easy-to-use "Save to VCR" TiVo function. And after a few weeks, they won't even worry about trying to VCR their favorite shows. They'll just have you do it. I kept my entire division in Buffy, Angel and Alias for the last few years. I should have charged for it. :roll: Switch TiVo "Suggestions" on. No, I rarely watch the things my TiVo suggests for me; but they will never delete/kick out something you've purposefully recorded. What's more, the easiest way to tell how close to "full" your TiVo is, is to see how many "Tivo Suggestions" programs are currently stored. If you're down to one or two, you're TiVo hard disk is close to full. This summer, after I had "caught up" on my saved programs, and there was very little on, I upgraded my TiVo to a larger hard drive via Excellent move. I've now got about 45-50 hours at the very best quality on the TiVo. This is great for grabbing whole seasons of stuff when there's a marathon on. Welcome to the club, Evan! artytime:
Ok, I seem to be missing it completely, where is the "Save to VCR" function? I haven't seen it on a menu and know it must be there. Is there no way to save to DVD via my computer?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco\";p=\"61451)</div> Select the program you wish to save to VCR from the "Now Playing" section of Tivo. Among the options you can select (besides Play and Delete) is a "Save to VCR" option I know TiVo allows folks to hook up their TiVo to a home network, but I'm unfamilar with what you can do, and can't do, there. There are a number of third-party TiVo/DVD-burner combos out there now (Pioneer in particular) -- but that's not much of a help to you.
Ok, maybe it's a little weird to quote and respond to myself, but this just HAD to be shared...seems I've got good timing and I'm Really glad I got a Series 2 Tivo. Today at the Electronics show Tivo is rolling out TivoToGo!!! For folks connected to Tivo via a network it will be automatically installed and will allow you to use your desktop software and a yet-to-be-released software program to burn your programs directly to you PC's DVD burner!!! How freaking awesome is that!!! Ask and I shall recieve! BTW, if you don't have the latest software version on your TIVO already you can use the link above to sign up for priority download.
Holy crap, efusco! I can't believe I missed that news! I'll definitely have to check my TiVo when I get home, and see if I have a sufficient version of the software. --Michael Spencer
Note that there's also a new Tivo Desktop v2.0 that you'll need as well...not sure yet what functionality, besides TivoToGo that it adds, but this is darn timely for me!
Just installed Desktop 2.0...seems they've set it up to only allow the recordings to be played on the network...bummer....I do not know though, when that burner program comes out it seems like you should be able to use them anywhere....guess we need to wait and see. Interestingly, Desktop 2.0 offers the access to photos and music like that JAVA HMO 3rd party software.