Well, obviously not, but I've noticed something in the two days I've been driving mine. First, I definitely drive it closer to the speed limit that I do with our Beetle. Maybe it's the 76hp engine, but I think it's more the game of trying to keep the blue or yellow arrows moving. I seem to just be happier moving more leisurely. Secondly, I find that I am more considerate on the roads. I'm more likely to yield right-of-way, and I don't zip out into the tiniest of openings. I wait longer at stop signs. Did anyone else experience these changes?
Well, since it so much quieter in the car I tend to listen to my wife more, since I am moving along at a more relaxed speed I am able to excersise my abs more, and for sime reason kittens make me want to cry, does any of this count?
Obviously I don't think it's made me a better person just for driving it. But I've certainly become a better, safer, more aware and more calm driver. I've also become much more aware of what I do and how it impacts the world around me in many aspects of life, in large part b/c of the awareness that the Prius community itself has opened me up to. Am I a better person now than before I got the Prius...I hope so, but not solely b/c I drive it.
Yep, I feel the same. It's definitely opened me up to a lot of things that I wouldn't even had considered before. I also feel obligated to live up to some sort of perception of what a Prius owner should be (in a small part). I don't want to let ya'll down
I just think because I own a Prius I'm better than everyone else, I was just equal to everyone else before I bought it.
I think a few factors affect this. If a person drives a Prius because it hurts the environment less, that kind of person is probably a bit more considerate of people generally. That could mean less offensive driving habits. Secondly, a less powerful engine means that even when the driver presses hard on the accelerator, the car won't be going that much faster right away. So, why try driving very fast, weaving in and out of traffic, etc? I currently drive a Saturn with a 100 hp engine and I accelerate and stop smoothly. However, when I borrowed someone's Ford Taurus which had a bit more hp, I found myself accelerating and decelerating more abruptly than I did with my own, less powerful car. I found a youtube video which reviewed electric cars in London. Although the entire video is worth watching, there's a segment at around 2:20 in which the reviewer mentions he feels less stressed stuck in traffic because of the less powerful engine in the car. Could this be an underlying reason behind the road rage in America? I hope one day to be driving a Prius like all of you nice folks. It's definitely my choice for my next car. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4W7qXiCp-I]YouTube - Beating the congestion charge with electric cars: G-Wiz v Me[/ame]
I noticed the same changes in my driving habits, as have many others on this board. Having driven the car since Dec 2004, I'm prepared to conclude that these new habits are not temporary--at least not with me. As for the cause, either it's a result of playing the max mileage game or my purchase of the Prius coincided with my descent into old fogeyhood.
I'm a new owner - but so far, I have found my driving habits have changed. I'm more consious of the speed that I'm going, and I tend to stick more to the speed limit. I haven't even setup my radar detector yet - because I haven't found the need.
More importantly, are people who drive the Prius more efficently better people than the Prius owners who don't.
Okay this one threw me for a minute. it seemed like you were wondering if Prius drivers were more efficient at being better people.
I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps I shouldn't buy a Prius...... It sounds like fuel savings could be a wash? While you're saving one type of gas, you're suddenly using up a lot more of the other....
I dont know. I drive slower now and am more concious of the mpg and such, but my wife is angrier now when she is with me. I keep telling her that the speed limit sign *is not* a starting point! She says I should go faster like other people. She does. But then I get 53 mpg and she gets 44mpg in her Prius! :yo:
As long as the thing still burns gas, I sure don't feel like I've improved all that much. It is still the least efficient, most polluting vehicle in our fleet.