In a famous episode of The Simpsons that featured John Waters as guest voice talent. Homer is a little bit slow in understanding that his new-found friend John is gay. In her sweet, accepting way, Marge takes Homer aside and says to him "Homer, John is a Ho Mo Sexual". This evokes a panic-driven scream from Homer. Well, the fact is that Ho Mo Sexuals are everywhere, one of them is typing this message. But that's not why I came here. I came to talk about civil rights. Over 8 years ago I met a fascinating person and formed a lasting bond that has enriched and improved my life. Through no fault of his own, he is of the same gender as I am. Were it not for the fact that it would cause the instantaneous collapse of Western civilization, we would be married today. We are, however, Registered Domestic Partners in the state of California. Effective at Midnight tonight, unless we break up first, we will have a few more of the same legal rights as those people who are heterosexual through no fault of their own. In effect, our relationship will take on a number of new legal protections, such as the right to inherit each other's estates, the right to visit in a hospital emergency room, and many other legal rights formerly attributed only to those who are not Ho Mo Sexual. Oh, and when Homer found out about John he said a few famous words I'll never forget "It's not ..... usual". I don't mind being unusual. Looking at the world around me, it is easy to see it as a gift. Now, if some of you find my message distressing, I'm forced to recall an exchange I once had with a Psychiatrist. He asked me what I might think if someone disapproved of my being gay. I quickly replied "If someone has a problem with the fact I am gay, then THEY have a problem." Happy New Year to all Peace
Regarding the "instantaneous collapse of Western civilization", in Massachusetts Gay Marriage is allowed. Massachusetts also has the lowest divorce rate in the USA. So much for collapse.
Yes! As a matter of fact, I lived in Massachusetts for 15 years. My two surviving children still live there. Last I heard there were over 621,000 casualties as a result of the state allowing gay marriage, well, actually no casualties.
It's not causing the collapse of 'Western Civilization'...anyone can see it's 'Eastern Civilization' that's suffering... Homosexuality is probably what caused the Tsunami! Wheels turn slow, acceptance that the wheels have turned comes even slower, and some will deny that they have turned even while being run over by those wheels. Here in the South/Bible belt the denial is tremendous and won't change soon....something I'm immensely embarassed at.
To my great shame, the otherwise friendly state of ND does not permit marriage of same-sex couples, does not recognize such marriages if they are performed elsewhere, and even passed the obscene anti-gay-marriage referendum, making bigotry a part of our state Constitution. However, we are working to change all this. We are not all bigots. Interestingly, there was a big fuss at the Fargo YMCA a couple of years ago: a lesbian couple applied for a family membership and was turned down on the grounds that they were not married. At first the board of the Y voted against granting family memberships to unmarried persons (though they never asked for proof of legal marriage when the partners were of opposite sexes), Then a new board decided to have a public hearing. Everyone was invited to come and speak their mind. The preponderance of people who spoke out against gays were from a local right-wing church, and were not members of the YMCA. A number of gay people spoke eloquently, and many straight people, members of the Y, spoke in favor of recognition of same-sex couples. A few members complained that recognizing same-sex couples as families would destroy "the family" in America. Without exception, every single person opposed to recognition of same-sex families gave God as their reason. Not a single one of them was willing to allow freedom of religion, when a religion different from their own recognized the legitimacy of same-sex couples. The board of directors of the Y deliberated for a few weeks, and then cut the Gordian knot by instituting a new category of "household membership." They defined a "household" as any two adults living at a single address, plus their kids. The cost of a household membership is the same as that of a famile membership. Most folks considered it an acceptable compromise. It does not recognize same-sex couples as a "family," but it grants them the same rights. One old man, who was a pain in the neck anyway for his habit of loud moaning in the locker room, resigned his membership in the Y in protest. But with that exception, even the most conservative members were satisfied. A few of the folks who had protested the old policy were unhappy that the Y did not change its definition of "family," but most felt that they had taken a significant step forward.
well here, our state does what the government tells it to. so nope, no real rights for gays here either. we do have localized areas of hope though. and as all facets of our existence comes into tacit acceptance, i imagine that gays still have about 15 more years to go before a reasonable amount of tolerance will be forced upon the rest of america. we might have issues with the state striking down local laws passed recognizing same sex unions for insurance and benefits area. some businesses have taken it upon themselves to go ahead and do the right thing without waiting for the slow grind of political progress. but at the current time, i believe we are moving backwards in progress. the state which had allowed the unions (along with the benefits) for its employees, did so without any legislation (which we all thought was good since there is no real reason to single out the unions as being different or exceptional) and that has proven to be a mistake. i find this to be a huge double standard although i am not gay. i know a few people who are in a marriage by law only. many do not even live together anymore or share any aspect of their lives other than health benefits of one of them. these are the people who should be investigated for fraud of state benefits or get them into court for support orders in the case of children. but i could go on forever about whats wrong with the system on several different fronts... when i get on this rant, i usually just walk next door to the dept of health parking lot and look at the fleet of Priuses they use. always makes me feel better that at least this state is doing something right...
Around mid-December, my partner and I received letters from the Secretary of State (CA) reminding us about the upcoming law changes. The main purpose of the letter, though, was to tell us that if we weren't ready for the legal commitment (since some of the benefits are indeed legally binding) then we would have to dissolve the relationship prior to the 1st of the year. After Jan 1st, same-sex domestic couples in California will be required to go to court to get a formal divorce! For all those who have argued both sides of the gay marriage issue, I for one wholeheartedly accept all the negatives and potential downside to it. Part of making that commitment SHOULD mean having to do more than just walk away if it doesn't work.
My partner and I just became aware of the changes in California law. We are now in the process of becoming officially registered. The biggest benefit for me personally, aside from being legally bound to my partner, is health benefits. I work freelance and do not get insurance. I currently pay $450/mo for health insurance. After we register, I will be able to get insurance through my partner. It will be refreshing not to have to pay what adds up to a 2nd car payment every month!
Whether they be straight or gay, I don't see why people who have paired into couples should pay less insurance and less tax than I pay as a single person. A person costs the medical system just as much, and uses just as much state services, whether he or she is paired into a couple or not.
Do married couples pay less for insurance? I mean less when you exclude the fact that being married probably correlates with a lower risk to insure (I would assume to some extent that is true). What I mean is, my understanding was that it's simply that employers have plans to cover spouses, and the employers cover the extra cost. Is this not true?
That is up to the employer. My previous employer allowed my partner to be covered as my spouse, but I had to pay the cost difference out of pocket. Even then, it was dramatically less than a separate individual policy. My current employer pays for the cost completely and generically refers to that type of coverage for all couples as "employee+1".