Anyways, that's the way it is. I just bousght a new 2008 prius #2 package. I hope I made a good decision. I still have my Ducati S4R for when I need the acceleration rush. hhehehe Wayne-o
Well, facing your problem and admitting it is the first step. Seriously, though, welcome to Prius Chat! We'll expect some details about your new baby... color, package, etc. Heck, if you post a photo, everyone will love it!
Welcome, and I bet you're gonna love your Prius package 2. What color is it? Coming from many years of motorcycling, it was something of a shock to discover that now my car gets significantly better mileage than do typical highway/street bikes. But I do still like to get out on two wheels when the weather is fine..... :welcome:
Don't worry Wayne-o, it only takes a few days to go from "I hope I made a good decision." to "I KNOW FOR SURE I made a good decision." Then, you are officially accepted as a non Newbie. Also, You can go into your "User CP", "Edit Profile" and then and change "Your current User Title" under your screen name "Junior Member" to anything you like.
Thanks everyone for the welcome. I got the charcoal grey. I guess I should tell my story as to why I bought the Prius. It may be rather obvious to some, but there are some subtleties that are less than obvious in making a decision. First and foremost, I recently(a year ago this mothers day) accepted a job that is a 53 mile commute either way. I will pick up my Prius this Monday and trade in my 1999 Toyota Tacoma with 175,000+ miles on it. It shows no signs of wanting to retire. The second mind altering event was when I surfed the net looking for anything and everything relating to oil and it's consumption. I found several articles on "Peak Oil". Funny though I have always been rather curious about how long mother nature can provide us..........the people on earth, with abundance all that we harvest from her. It's rather shocking that the reality of this question has been answered on several fronts. Let me mention just one..............Ocean born fish..........take your pick and name a species that are consumed from shrimp to shark. I think you get the picture. When will it all run out? This question has always plagued me since I was in elementry school when we had sessions about the world and how it works with then, modern day industry playing a major roll into the socioeconomic life style of us here on earth. It's very differcult to fathom being thrust back to a period in time such as 1850. In the next 100 years I don't think this is far from reality unless we can sircumvent our lust for fossil fuels with alternative solutions. After reading several articles on Peak Oil, I am convinced that it is in the best interest of all of us to curtail the onslot of what I would refer to as "The End of The Age of Ease". It is my belief that by the year 2080, people will be looking back at us who have lived in the period between 1900 and 2050 and wish the had lived in the same time period because of the availability of cheap energy. Sorry for the Rant, Wayne-o