The car was actually accelerating. Got the car back from Toyota. They claim that the onboard computer indicated that someone was pushing on the accelerator while braking at the same time. Their findings defy logic. The bottom line: Toyota denies the problem. Yet, the problem clearly exists. Sine they say there is nothing wrong with the car, we intend to trade it in (to the same dealer that sold us the car), for another car. Hopefully, one that does not have "a mind of its own."
For your sake, I hope it's not the same dealer to whom you've been insisting that the car is dangerous.
Yes, a problem definitely exists. Stepping on the brake and the gas at the same time, or even stepping on the gas instead of the brake, happens regularly. If you feel that you must get rid of it then you must, but you're going to feel awfully silly if the next car does the same thing. In the interest of saving trouble and expense, can you get a friend to ride in the back seat when you or your wife are driving, and see what is going on?
I guess I dont get it. wouldnt it be better if you just did not push on the go peddle and the break at the same time? If you think it a software problem with your year why hold it against other year cars? again makes no sense to me.
My wife DID NOT step on the gas and the brake at the same time. That is what the computer registered, but the computer is wrong. This went on for several minutes, her left foot was on the left side. The brakes were smoking, indicating the car was at full throtle. There is a problem here.