Hi everyone, I know we have all tried to get a date set in stone on having a prius meet, allot of you made dates and some met up. But I have found perfect date/place. It's at the HIGHLANDS GREENFEST! The date is Saturday May 3rd 2008 10am-6pm (rain date is may 4th) It is located in West Milford. (close to the NY border) Address Bubbling Spring Park 1492 Macopin Road West Milford, NJ There will be Demonstrations & presentations by green professionals, environmental groups & outdoor clubs, green building, alternative energy & transportation displays, kids' activities, music, vendors and local organic fare. 10am-6pm Cost is FREE (i admit that I just coppied this out the book, lol) I believe this is the first one, so I don't really know what to expect there but I assume it will be lots of fun. I am going to go regardless. I read it in my Skylands magazine I get. They have a phone # to call, it is (973) 879-5892. I have yet to call it. So what do you guys all think? if enough people want to go then we should try to choose a time and this way I can finally meet everyone. Let me know
The only group install I have been reading about or interested in was the moonroof one but that was in Virginia. Let me know what times are good for you guys.
Here's another event for those a bit further upstate in New York: Untitled Document From the site: "Transportation All concerned citizens are looking at their transportation choices with a multitude of goals in mind - lowering or eliminating their carbon footprint, saving money, saving energy, turning the tide on America's dependence on foreign oil, and bringing our children home from foreign wars. Of course in addition to achieving all of the above, the vehicles of the future must also be functional AND stylish. The good news is, the transportation industry has finally begun fulfilling the consumer's demands and today there are a number of excellent vehicles available that can meet or exceed your needs and goals. Come to The Hudson Valley Green Fair to see the best and newest eco-friendly cars and trucks." Seems like a good event to have a "showing" of Prius!?
On may 10th there is an event just like the Hudson Valley meet. Except this is in Lafayette,NJ. It is to meet representatives with Hybrid Vehicles, earth friendly products and more. But I beleive the Hudson Valley one will be a much Larger event. I will be down for going to both. Here is the website for the Lafayette one Outlet and Country Shopping in Sussex County New Jersey but it is more about the place, not the actual event.
One funny thing..... I love how the Hudson Valley Green Fair website says click on the discount card, PRINT it out, and bring it with you to receive $2 off the price. That doesn't seem very green, haha
It's green for them, they're not printing the discount tickets! Will not be green for those of us who do, unless we use recycled paper and ink! Takes an entire sheet of paper to print out!
Here is the ROUTE for the GREEN-PRIX starting in nearby West Milford, NEW JERSEY! - Be at the starting point (A) at 10:00 AM.
Here is the ROUTE for the GREEN-PRIX! - Be at the starting point (A) at 10:00 AM. This is who we have signed up so far - please post if I missed you or if I got your info wrong! Team_Name__ Car_Name______ Year Make Model Coming_From_____ Raven______ Dam_Beaver____ 2006 Toyo Prius West Milford, NJ Tbirdhs____ Sparky________ 2008 Toyo Prius North Jersey Kelly_Green Kar_Idea______ 2008 Toyo Prius Yonkers, NY Boo________ Boo___________ 2007 Toyo Prius New York, NY BIGGDOGG___ The_Gray_Ghost 2008 Toyo Prius Morristown, NJ Please let others know about this event - it's open to other hybrids too!