Here are 7 pictures that show why women live longer than men... Jackstands? Who needs them?! Necessity is the mother of invention... And to think those wusses at the power company use cleats and harnesses for this easy job! He's still wondering why he got fired that day... Hey guys, that's an awful lot of protective gear for such a small chlorine gas leak! #1 - Put steel ladder on water #2 - Step barefoot on steel ladder #3 - Use your power tools to accomplish your job And the winner is: How drunk do you have to be before this starts to look like a good idea?
I thought it was because men just eventually give up and die after being married so long??? Hahaha KIDDING! *hides*
Cause we get men to do the heavy stuff! You forgot #4--Use duct tape! :tape2: <wicked laugh like Tim Taylor, from Home Improvement>
Women live longer than men ... (a variant of F8L's response) because they aren't married to women. :target:
The one parked on the dock (almost) looks pretty pleased with her little self. I like this one Brushing her hair because you need to look your best for the tow truck driver.
Married men live longer than single men. Single women live longer than married women. Obviously it's the wives keeping their husbands alive longer. And it's the husbands cutting short the lives of their wives.
women worry enough about everything we can think of as it is, without husbands like that. no wonder marriage cuts our lives shorter...