When we try to use voice commands, we get an audible response simialar to "Please say the command after the beep." Often this works as it should. On 2-3 displays, and I don't remember which ones, we hear no beep. I know, I know, I'm an old guy and my hearing is bad. But if I (and my wife) can hear the beep on most displays, I presume I should hear it on all displays (and we can't). Advice please. Bonus: Is beep volume adjustable? Bonus: Any place I can find a list of commands?
A list of commands is on the last page of your navigation system quick-reference-guide that came with your car, in the navigation system help menu (hard to use) and the FILE LIBRARY forum on this site. The voice command volume is adjustable using the bezel MENU button>>Volume. I don't think the beep can be turned off, but the voice prompt can.....it gets old after a while....."after the beep, please say a command"..... Maybe you are pushing the voice command button too soon after the voice prompt, and cancelling the beep. otherwise the beep is consistent on all screens with the voice prompt, I think
Thanks for the reply. Found a few references in the Display HELP, but not a complete list. Quick Reference Guide? AH-HA? Strange as it seems, I started with the Owner's Manual while my wife cooked. Thought the list would be there but I guess not. File Library? tried that and found a reference to commands in Excel format but, when I clicked the link I got an empty page. I can turn off the voice prompt?!!! Can't find it in the Quick Reference Guide or the Owner's Manual (is it called something else?), how do I do that?
I've seen all the command including the ones for environemental control. Do those work for anyone? (what package) Why are they not mentioned in any of the Toyota sales brochures?
There is an Owners manual, Navigation System Owners Manual, Prius pocket reference guide, and Navigation Quick Referrence Manual. The the navigation QRM is great for the nav basics that everyone asks about, but nobody seems to know they have it. Shame. The Prius pocket guide is equally handy for basic car operation questions. Both these little books will answer most operation questions. The two owners manuals are the in depth stuff. To turn off voice prompts, see page 86 in navigation system owners manual. Touch bezel Menu>>set-up>>page 2>>Voice Recog. Guidance>>OFF
I Think there was a time when voice commands only worked when one had the nav system, but some things (stand alone bluetoothe) have changed. If you have the Voice Command "speak" button on your steering wheel, voice commands should work. If not, they won't
>> Touch bezel Menu>>set-up>>page 2>>Voice Recog. Guidance>>OFF I saw that but I thought 'Voice Recog. Guidance' was the voice guidance system on the GPS (e.g., 'Turn left in 200 feet').
No, that's the "Auto Voice Guidance" selection. Very poorly named and not intuitive, Should have named them "voice prompt", and "voice guidance". I wish voice prompts for the bluetooth could be turned off too, but they cant. And a bluetooth voice prompt cannot be interrupted, mid-steam, with a command. It won't recognize the command and you must start over. You can interrupt a nav system prompt