I saw a guy wearing a light blue bed sheet like a poncho with cotton balls glued to it. When someone would ask what he was he would reply, "partly cloudy." Then he would reach into his costume and pull out a water pistol. "CHANCE OF RAIN!" One year for an Arts Festival Halloween party I fashioned costumes for my wife and me. I was drama and she was comedy. I made them out of cardboard and painted them black and white with the frown and smile. When we stood beside each other the effect was complete. See attachment. That reminds me that there was a guy in a king's costume complete with crown. Around his neck was hanging a large cardboard cutout of a human eye. His costume, "King and I"
Many years ago, I went to a Halloween party and there was a woman who was dressed with a table around her waist and a lampshade (with pullcord) on her head. On the table there was a pair of panties and an empty condom wrapper. She was a "One Night Stand"
Ah, yes, it's getting to be that time of year again, isn't it? My best Halloween ever was when I went as Che Guevara and my wife went as Frida Kahlo. The costumes weren't the best part (though that helped). The best part is the party took place in an actual haunted castle.
Best I ever saw: A woman friend of mine is very tall and thin (and pretty). She had a hat like the cat wears in The Cat in the Hat. She wore that, and three thin whiskers drawn on her face with eyebrow pencil. Other than the hat and the whiskers, she just wore her normal clothing. She looked exactly like The Cat in the Hat. Best I ever wore: I got a lot of ace bandages, taped myself from the head to the waist, with just enough eye space to see (barely) and went as The Mummy. I think I actually scared people. I didn't have enough ace bandages to do my whole body, so I wore pants and shoes.
Isn't it a little early for Howl-o-Ween? Best costume: Dress in khaki fatigues from waist up. Ordinary clothes from waist down. Can you guess what he's supposed to be? (And UPPER G.I.)
I was invited to a halloween party. The theme was to dress as something you're not. I dressed all in black, including gloves and a hood. I glued a one way mirror on a diving mask. Whenever anyone looked in my face, they saw themselves. I came as everyone else. After 20 min. the host came to me and asked if I'd remove the mask. I was creeping everyone else out. Another year the theme was "beauty or the beast." I wore a pageant gown and a banner that said "Miss Congenitally". Not many people read closely enough to get the joke. Now that I'm a school librarian I dress as Nancy Perl every year. Hardly anyone gets it. I have to show them the action figure.
My cheap-o, last minute costume -- wore a Hawaiian shirt with tropical fish scene; put a large, clear plastic bag over me (cut-out for head) ... was a Jelly Fish :tongue1:
Last Halloween, I wore a Logo shirt of the company I worked for. It was my last day at that job, and I was dressed as an employee. Usually, I wear normal clothes, and tell everyone that I'm dressed as a witch. They generally believe me
I saw a jelly fish done once, only it was clear streamers attached to a clear plastic umbrella. You open and close the umbrella and it looks like a jellyfish swimming.
I saw a guy at a halloween party dressed in a white kitchen trash bag. It had white milk cartons, white egg cartons, and a lot of other trash that had been painted white. He told me he was "white trash." At another one, there was a couple there and the wife was clearly dressed up as Pocahontas, but the husband just had on jeans and a t-shirt. His name was John Smith...
I have had a few that I really liked even if I was wearing them. One year I rented a huge flesh colored fat suit. I put on something that looked like a giant black thong. I slicked my hair up into a little knot on the top of my head and put on some Kabuki makeup. I was a sumo wrestler and was the hit of the night. I went out with friends to a big night club and got a lot of "Oh no you didn't!". I have never been grabbed and groped so much in my life. Of course, I couldn't feel a thing.:bounce:
A friend and I went as white trash once as teenagers. We got big metal garbage cans, cut the bottoms out, and wore them with suspenders. Funny, none of the white people at the party got the joke, some not even when it was explained to them. But it was a big hit with the Jamaicans that night. It's pretty easy for me to go as a cyclist, or a skier, or a motorcyclist, because I already have all the clothes. It depends on the weather - sometimes a ski outfit is wonderfully cozy. My daughter had a late inspiration one year. She covered herself in "My Name Is..." stickers, all with different names, and went as an identity crisis. A neighbour got really elaborate one year and turned himself into a "head table", with his head sticking out of the table.