Did you ever notice when you buy a new car, you start to notice the same model being driven around? I never gave much thought to the Prius before I researched it and finally bought one. We're the first on our block to have one grace our driveway. Now that I've been driving around in our Prius, I've started to notice others. (Prius that is.) Spotted five of them today, 3-red, 1-silver, 1-gray. Saw a few over the past weekend as well, mostly blue ones. Anybody else a Prius Spotter?
Yes. Of course, there are more now in our area than before, too. When we got Rudy, there was one, two blocks from us. Now, there are 4 of them in an 8-block area! Weird thing, though, is that most of them are driven by "old people"... and they don't seem to wave much. :yo: We get extra points for spotting Gen 1 Prii :spy:
Had mine for 2 weeks and I am totally convinced its the only one in the village (pop 10,000) and have only seen 2 others on my travels since, 1 of which I parked next to at the local shops yesterday on purpose (a black one). Very much a rarity I am happy to say (for resale purposes), but saddened that it is not as popular here as it is in US, without getting into the diesel argument again...it's just a great car
I always keep an eye out for all hybrids but over the last year I seem to be seeing more. I usually attribute this to simply being more aware of the car now but I believe in this case it is because more and more people are buying them.
I was just thinking about that this morning on my way to work. Seems like I hardly ever saw a Prius before I bought one a month ago. This morning, however, I was behind a dark red one coming out of my neighborhood (I love that color); a mile or so later I was beside a gray one like mine; then caught up to two following each other on to the highway (don't recall the colors); then saw another gray one just before I got to work; then saw four in the parking garage at work (white, gray, red, blue). I've counted as many as ten in the parking garage at one time (3 gray, 3 b.red, 1 dark red, 1 white, 1 black, 1 blue). I think there may be more Priuses in the garage than any other model, except maybe for Accords.
I've experienced that phenomenon every time I buy a new vehicle, and the Prius is no different. I do concur with the general observation that the majority of the Prii that I see are being driven by fairly elderly folks.....not that at 58 I'm super young, but the people I see driving them often appear to be late 60s-80ish in age. I find that kind of surprising, would have thought that this would be a car with much more appeal to younger people, what with the iPod-like electronics, hi-tech aspects. But until I started actively considering and then shopping for a Prius about a year ago (and finally buying one last December), I had barely noticed them. There are quite a few around. I also recently bought an '08 Tacoma. They have generations as well with the current crop being Gen II (2005-08), and I have yet to see another Gen II in 'regular cab' configuration around here since purchasing mine early this month, they are all either the extended or double-cab monsters. The salesman told me that only about 5% of Tacoma production is the regular cab, with the remaining 95% being the big ones......which probably says something about the purchasing habits of we Americanos.
Definitely....never noticed them much until the last two weeks...now I see them everywhere. Haven't had anyone driving one wave at me but I did get a smile from a pedestrian the other day. Now it's a game of "spot the Prius" while out driving, kind of like Padiddle.
I see at least 30 some times 50- each way on my 45 mile commute. Trouble is, I probably see more Hummers and big-nice person suvs.
I started noticing the number of Prii on the road when I first started thinking about buying a Prius. I would bet my wife that at every redlight there would be at least one Prius. I'd say I was 80% on that one. Now after buying my Prius, I do like looking at the other Prius drivers to see what they look like. I have seen all types; young, old, men, women, tall, short, black, white. One thing is common, they are all look very smart. Oh, I do notice one other thing. The Prius Touring drivers are much better looking and way better drivers too. Especially the Classic Silver Touring drivers.
I defy that logic as mine is not a Touring model nor is it silver. This: = These girls seem to agree. Salsa Red Prii are the hottest!
Lol. You certainly do defy the logic. You will have to post more pictures though. I can't be sure from that one picture. Lol. I was speaking in general, of course. Btw, I do like your buddy's farmer tan. lol.
I cannot post the rest of the Playboy Mansion pics on PC. :tape2: Back on topic. I see a lot of Prii in the Sacramento area but so far I think San Rafeal has the largest number of Prii I've seen in one area. Monterey had quite a few as well.
Well, I'm surprised you've seen them in Newburgh... my sister lives in Croton-on-Hudson, and I fly into Newburgh (vs White Plains) every so often to visit. Even in Croton (closer in) I've only seen a couple of Prii. Of course, I'm used to Portland where we have (at least last stats I saw) the highest per capita Prius ownership in the States. I parked in a row of 5 Prii in the Good Sam Hospital Garage the other day. If I could only figure out how to download those cellphone pix, I would post the picture. Love technology, but the cell companies just want to squeeze every last dime out, don't they?
I live in a county in Montana the size of Connecticut with a pop of 1,000 or so, and I have only seen one other prius! And she bought it the day after I bought mine! LOL. She is older and I am younger and I have so much fun teaching her the technical stuff! It is great to see others on the road, but they will never replace SUVs or pick ups on this end of Montana!!!
i notice them all the time now too. funny, when i see gray ones.. sometimes i can't tell if they are gray or some fusion of gray/green. i think.. is that the same color as mine? mine always looks gray to me, then again i've never seen it driving down the road w/o me. i'm 21, and i always seem to only see OLDer prii drivers...i've tried waving.. but they are not too friendly down here. i had to stop myself from trying to wave while in the passenger seat or in another vehicle. man, i love my prius!!!
yeah it's always like that with a common car.. i see at least 5 prius every day on the way to and from work. Not many black one's though(why did i pick black! why why!!) and to cast myself out here as the black sheep, Ive been a smoker for 6 years now. And yes I sometimes smoke while in prius(dont throw butts out window). not trying to say prius owners don't smoke, im sure there's some more of us out there!
You probably take the 405 N. and live in Santa Clarita?? That's how many I see on my commute from my office in Culver City to my house in Quartz Hill (Lancaster).
My peak number for a day was 8. I should add I work on the road. A Prius here costs about 2/3 of an average years wages for a base model, iTech is about 3/4 of a years average wages. Most new Prius are owned by government or companies looking for a green image. People driving a work car don't wave. There are getting to be more privately owned later model Prius around so some buy them as a family car. This is mostly the older people.
The older people ?? - age is but a state of mind; if you think you're old you will be old. While I would accept that there is a tendency towards mature adults purchasing this fine car, how can they be "old" when they so readily embrace new technology that even the tech-geeks have trouble keeping up with? Not older people patsparks, wiser people methinks.. BTW what do you do on the roads and why an emu for a logo? Roos and koalas look cuter, got any pics of those?