Hi All, We have decided we would like to buy a Prius. Now I have a bunch of questions and could use some help.. We want to speed no more than 20K out the door, so obviously we will most likely be buying used. From looking at the option packages on the 08 models, we would go for package #2 if we bought new. Have these packages changed from 2005 to 2008? Also is the backup Camera standard or what package includes that? We will consider a 2005 and up vehicle with low miles, it looks like the 2006 has some new styling, the 2007 adds standard side air bags which is nice. Any reason to avoid any of these models or pick one over the other? I noticed consumer reports knocked down the electrical rating a bit on the 2005 model, there must have been a well known issue possibly. Any major TSB's on any of the year models? Are the leather seats any more comfortable than the cloth? How does insurance quotes look on the prius unit, I am in the early 30's, no tickets, etc. Any tips are appreciated, mostly I am looking for help on the difference in the year models and available options, so I know easily when I am shopping what one has over the other, etc. Can the option level be found via VIN #? Thanks, Greg
I'm a Newbie but since no one has chimed in, I will. 20,000 out the door, no question you will be buying used. Backup camera can be added to a Prius without one Insurance premiums are LOW for the Prius. (At least for me through progressive) but it depends on your deductables, limits, etc... Leather or Cloth, I have heard the leather is more comfortable for some, but I like the cloth, doesn't get too hot or too cold Packages, packages, packages, try looking for used Priuses on Ebay, they should disclose which package the vehichle has (as well as the options included) and you can do your own research. Good Luck