So I just picked up a new '08 Prius on Monday. I love it, it's a package #4. I driven a few days and I've only seen one pip go on the gas meter. I traded in a 2003 350Z (I loved that car too!) which sometimes I could literally see the gas meter dropping. Another thing the Prius has that my Z didn't was cargo space. I've been meaning to build a fence in my yard but hadn't gotten to it. Now with help from the "Super Car" I've done it. Here was the yard before: Here's the Prius loaded with all the materials (this was actually the first of 2 trips from Home Depot). And the completed fence: This was all done with no dings or scratches to the interior or exterior of the car. I also had the hatch completely closed. I truly love this car and this is a testament to what it can do. What have you done with your Prius?
all I've done is a few Wal-mart trips, but that is awesome to see what all you fit in there! beautiful fence too BTW! You need to come to my house!
The fullest my Prius has been was for Amateur Radio Field Day... When us ham radio operators stuff our cars with radios, tuners, cables, batteries, chairs, tables, tents, antennas, antenna masts, and cabinets full of parts, and deposit them in a city park or some remote site so we can make contacts around the country (or world if the propagation is good). Much fun! See Field Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hay nice job on the fence.Yea i know the feeling my last 2 cars were a supercharged s2000 and a Mx-5 sport .So i added a sunroof to the Prius to let the sun in .
Wow, if I'd realized you could fit 8-foot lumber in there, I wouldn't have needed to borrow a friend's pickup last weekend. The fullest I've had my Prius was four guys and camping gear for a 3-day trip to Oregon Country Fair back in 2005. It was the car's maiden voyage (She was only a week old at the time). She came home suitably dirty inside and out, but cleaned up real nice....
That is neat. Thanks for the pictures. BTW, while we're on the topic of hauling stuff in the Prius, I would recommend that you get the black, vinyl bumper protector from the PriusShop here. It goes on and protects the top of the rear bumper. It's inexpensive and looks good. And if you will be doing much hauling, it will definitely look much better than your rear bumper would look without it.
Hey Bobbyb, Hope you enjoyed the sunroof yesterday afternoon. As you know, it was nice and warm and sunny in our parts. Good day to drive to White Castle with the sunroof open.
I know it, I can't stop telling others how incredible this car is. It has got to be the best overall vehicle. I really can't think of anything that beats it.
It does take a bit of shift in thinking. I had to do a home depot run a few weeks back, and automatically went out back to start up the truck. After thinking about it a minute, I decided to take the Prius instead. Turned out the 600 lbs of garage shelving fit in the Prius with plenty of room to spare. And I still got over 50mpg on the trip home, vs. 14mpg in the truck. I haven't tried it yet, but I have been told you can even fit 10' lumber in with the front seat down and still close the hatch! Rob
You can also fit a coffee table, 3 end tables, and many other boxes around them. I already had the car 1/2 unloaded for this picture. Or if your passengers are sleepy or if you want to do not-so-rustic camping put a twin matress in the back. I have not tried a Queen matress back there yet. Altho I'd rather sleep with my toes in the rear, I have slept with my head in the back and it's great for watching the stars or rain fall!
I just showed the OP's photos to DH... He hates you, man. He now no longer has an excuse to not build our fence... he said he had been waiting to get a pickup. LOL!! Pretty Prius, btw... yes, bumper protector would be very, very good.
Nice black Prius, very nice. The "fence", is it actually a gate or a fixed fence? It looks terrific. I'm trying not to be a fence sitter on this.layball:
And don't for get that when you fold up that drop cloth all small and tight it will fit in that little nook to the left of the cargo area. (Nice fence.)
I don't want to be the 'spoil sport' here, but be aware that the Prius load rating is 810 lbs. BearSilber with those 2 bags of cement and the lumber what did it weigh? Don't get me wrong. I have loaded up my Prius as well. As long as its not for extended drives or very frequently I don't think its a problem to load 'er up! Just 'food for thought' Marvin